Question Attempts to install ends in error.

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Fatal error: Arrays are not allowed in class constants in /home/tentbeast88/public_html/library/DBTech/Shop/Model/Shop.php on line 13

This is the error I am receiving once i upload the files and attempt to install via the provided XML file.
Forum becomes completely unusable and only re-uploading the files makes the admin interface navigable, where in List Addons it displays your shop as installed and allows me to uninstall it.
So far, not really satisfied, please help!
Hi there,

Please be aware that PHP 5.6 is the minimum version requirement for the Shop mod, could you please upgrade to the latest version of PHP?

Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Speedy, effective and straight to the point. Upgraded php to 5.6 and everything works as intended.

Thank you very much!
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DragonByte Shop

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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