xenforo 2.1.x

  1. Serpius

    Question DragonByte eCommerce 2.0.0b1 Question

    I am going to be purchasing the DragonByte eCommerce add-on for at least one year duration. However, I noticed on the Xenforo.com website that the latest version is in BETA. If I purchase this add-on now as 2.0.0b1, will I have to purchase any additional upgrades when the official full release...
  2. Ambient Vibe

    Bug Installation Failure

    I was attempting to upgrade the Shop from the last version (6.1.3) to the newest one (6.1.4), but every time I attempt to do this, the following happens and I cannot finish the installation: I have attempted to do an update first, then I went in and deleted all the shop files/uninstalled the...