Legacy Ability to disable use of X layers if using Y Layer

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Ok i came up with a solution to something thats been on my mind that a few people may run into problems with when using multiple layers, So on my vBAvatars i have set up a left hand and right hand option so users may equip an item in each hand.....Gravy but what if i want to have a two handed weapon that would mean that a user would be able to equip it in one of the hands or from a new catagory called "two handed items" and still be able to equip other items which would look wrong and silly, So my suggestion to combat this is an ability somewhere in the ACP by where an Admin may set up a layer as he does currently but with an option to disable the use of other layers currently made for example:


Left hand
Right hand
Two handed Items

If a user selects a "two handed item" then the ability to equip an item from the "left hand" and "right hand" items tabs becomes disabled unless they un-equip said item. If the user already has an item equipt in either hand it will automatically remove it, same goes for if the users has a two handed item equip then selects say a right handed item the two handed item gets removed and is unable to be selected.

This could also combat graphical bugs for instance if you have a one-piece suit that covers the bottom half of your character as well as the top but your shoes stick out the bottom when their not meant too or if you have some fancy addons to your legs/arms then if this layer were to be put ontop of them then they would show through wrongly.

Maybe you could allow certain items to disable certain layers as not to end up with too many catagories/layers

Maybe you've already thought of this but i've not seen it suggested so thought i'd better pop it in here incase you hadn't already thought about it :)
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It does indeed sound like an issue a setup like yours could run into, we'll look into how much work this would be to implement vs the benefit for the majority of our customers and users :)
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