
  1. GoodApples

    Question Long Time CMS slider not displaying

    I have been using the vbSilider on the CMS for some time without issue and it now has disappeared? Any suggestions on what to check? ...I recently did change servers about a month ago. ...I recently change the vb style and when updating the CMS (Section Information) this displayed Warning...
  2. heredia21

    Bug Mod does not work on vb5

    This mod is not showing and thanks or likes, installed, enabled it. Not sure it works on vb5. What is gong on?
  3. neounix

    Bug VBSEO Imported:- Now Error : /website/www/index.html (None could be negotiated).

    Hi Again, Decided to testi importing old VBSEO configuration. All was OK after we set the Navbit rewrite function off. However, we noticed that we cannot access the home page, and get this error: [Thu Dec 12 16:37:45 2013] [error] [client <ip addr>] Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching...
  4. neounix

    Question Discussion on DBSEO URL Format for Threads

    Hi. I noticed that DragonByte uses this thread format: /f[forum_id]/[thread-title]-[thread_id]/ Do you mind to explain your thinking why you chose this over: /[forum_name]/[thread-title]-[thread_id]/ Which would give even more keywords in the URL. Or as we are thinking to do...
  5. O

    Bug VBSEO to DBSEO migration issue

    DBSEO 1.0.0 beta 8 Just installed DBSEO lastnight to replace VBSEO and I've run into a complicate migration issue. My forum layout has 4 main categories (forum acting as category) and within each category are child forums. The structure is as such FlashFXP > News FlashFXP > General...
  6. heredia21

    Question Will this mod work with 5.1.0?

    I am assuming v5.1.0 will be released sometime next month, before upgrading will this mod work on that newer version of vB? You made some changes to mine so it could work, just checking in advance.
  7. V

    Bug please help, my forum is not working since install dbseo!

    please help, my forum is not working since install dbseo! No work of the forum link No photos are displayed Failure deployed cms Professional Installation :(:(:(:(
  8. neounix

    Bug Previous Thread and Next Thread Not Working

    Hi! Sorry to be posting so many bug reports! I have tried just about every setting and cannot get "Previous Thread" and "Next Thread" to work. "Previous Thread" gives a "This webpage has a redirect loop" error. "Next Thread" also gives a "This webpage has a redirect loop" ....
  9. neounix

    Bug Sitemap URLS Missing [post_id] when Written

    Hey! Now working the site sitemaps, I notice when I generate a sitemap, for example for "Show Posts" where our showpost.php DBSEO URL has format: [thread_title]-[post_id]/[forum_title]/post[post_count].html The DBSEO URL is correct (in the above format), but the sitemap URL has a "0" where...
  10. nocomp

    Bug Fatal error: Class 'USERTAG' not found

    hi, i wanted to try your mod, but when i go to the admin dbtech - settings, i get this error Fatal error: Class 'USERTAG' not found in /home/[path ***********]/forum/dbtech/usertag/actions/admin/forum.php on line 26 any idea of what could be wrong? best regards
  11. limits

    Bug bbcode charge when the content is image error

    alternative for the other problem i have whit pay for upload image in new thread, i want to use this on but is also not working, after click the paybutton you dont see the image, only like this, but no image.
  12. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Custom 404 Error Processor Not Working

    Hi Again! We have a custom 404 error script process located at: [html-document-root]/404.php We have tried many configurations in the DBSEO settings, including: [html-document-root]/404.php [absolute-unix-path]/404.php /404.php .. but none of them work! Which format is correct? Please...
  13. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Stop Words Not Working Properly

    HI. We currently are seeing a problem with Stop Words. For example: http://my.server.com/help-with-splitting-and-rearranging/shell-programming-and-scripting/t238897/post302866875/#post302866875 We see the "and" stop word in both [thread-title] and [forum-title] (above) FYI, the format for...
  14. neounix

    Legacy Support Older Versions of vBSEO

    Hi. We were running an older versions of vBSEO, so when we click on Maintenance -> vBSEO Import we get this error: /website/www/vbseo/resources/xml/config.xml was not found. Please check that the file exists on your system. that is because in our version of vBSEO, the config file is in...
  15. Nirjonadda

    Bug Add the users to usergroup

    add the users to usergroup does not working, I am doing update via Administrator Interface.
  16. I

    Bug Top X Stats: Can't Update block and reload does not work

    Hello, We are having an issue with InfoPanels' Top X Stats section. If users try to change one of the three blocks from the default setting to another option (Say from Top Posters to Top Thread Starters or any other option) it simply will not let them select the new view option for that block...
  17. R

    hey guys

    interested in the tagging feature. how can i tag someone on this board as a test?
  18. K

    Bug i am facing trouble when click on any button

    Hello Respected SIR, i have bought ( Advanced Post Thanks / Like pro ) and brother every thing is working fine but when i click on any button like thanks or like or dislike etc its show me a popup with this text ( [objectXMLDocument] ) and the thanks,like or dislike work fine after this popup...
  19. LEE2oo

    Question Click All three buttons and Nothing Happens ?

    First time I have had chance to Post this problem I have with the Thanks, Like and Dislikes buttons on my Forum Threads. When you click on the buttons that are situated under members posts nothing happens. All the Stats for this system on all the postbits are still set at zero for all. Any idea...
  20. heredia21

    Bug Installed but not working

    I installed but it is not working. No e-mails nor no user settings.