
  1. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Would like an option to change Contribute.

    Hi there, we have been using the wording Donate for many yes, the wording contribute is not very well known in online communities, especially for my gaming niche. Could you please have an option in admincp for users to be able to rename and replace the word contribute back to Donate? The reason...
  2. CharlieDelta

    Subscription Manager

    I know that stock vBulletin comes with a basic subscription manager but it lacks in some important features. This is where I think DBT could come in. Notifications of subscriptions ending through PM, visitor message, DBT notifications, or all of the above. Separate notification for each...
  3. webrunner

    Legacy ad search-box in the subscription list in admincp

    Hi, I have about 12000 subscriptions and when i want to manually insubscribe a member via the admincp i have to browse through hundreds of pages to find the correct user. Could you please add a search-box that searches on username and/or e-mail address?
  4. webrunner

    Legacy Greate subscription form for external email adresses or link with easyforms

    I would like to be able to vreate a subscribtion and unsubsribtion form (f.i. in a VBCMS widget) for a mailing list with external email addresses. Or a link with the great easy forms mod would be OK (which is able to save submissions into a database) That way i can have non-members subscibe to...
  5. Alan_SP

    I don't receive emails from you

    I already mentioned that I didn't received emails from you. First I didn't have setting to receive email from admins (I didn't this myself). Then, next week I spotted that I was unsubscribed from mailing list in vBMail. And now, third week in a row I didn't receive email, but I checked and I...
  6. kfyonur

    Question How many e-mail can i sent ?

    How many e-mail can i sent ? in other words number of members
  7. Dolphers

    Question vBshout causing performance issues to host

    I currently run a pro version of vBshout that I bought the lifetime subscription to on my vBulletin board hosted by Recently they have taken down my board as a violation of their TOS due to performance issues stemming from the vbshout.php script from the shoutbox that I've...
  8. W

    Legacy Favorite Mod Update Notifications

    In this feature request I would like the ability to notify a user either by e-mail or PM when one of the mods they have listed under favorites has been updated with a new file. This is similar to vbulletin's Thread Subscription system and would let users know when to come back for an update.
  9. San

    Donation System

    Donors will receive awards, list of donators in a module, some of your software integrates into it. Payment processors: PayPal, Google Checkout, MoneyBookers, and more.
  10. C

    Legacy Improved Process to Subscribe to Hash Tags

    When a user clicks on a hash tag link in a post, it takes them to the hash list page. I think it would be nice to have an improved way for members to subscribe to hashes so they can follow (get notified). For example, a button next to the hash tag to "follow" or "add notification", etc. I...
  11. C

    Question How do I set up hash tags

    Do you have a link or two explaining hash tags and how to set them up and use them?
  12. J

    Legacy Badly needed shop feature

    An Item for the shop that will work with the vbulletin subscription system. This will allow a secondary usergroup to be purchased and then expire properly.
  13. vijayninel

    Legacy Semicolon required in hash tag subscriptions

    It seems that hash tag subscriptions still require a semicolon to be added at end of the word even if the preference is set to "no" in the Require Semicolon for username field. Please check if it is possible for you to remove the semicolon for hash subscriptions as well. Thank you.
  14. J

    Bug Database Error Upon Installation

    Greetings First of all I am beginning to get a bit worried. This is the second database error I have encountered with a Dragonbyte product. The first was the removal of a key database table upon uninsallation of vbQuiz reported here...
  15. vijayninel

    Bug Unable to Add Hash Tag Subscriptions

    Hi, We recently purchased and installed Advanced User Tagging Pro v2.0.3 on our forum Erodov Forums . However the Hash Tag Subscriptions feature is not working for us. When we try to add new hash words in the the New Hash Tag Subscriptions page in our control panel, the page just refreshes...
  16. skylab

    Question New members not added?

    Hey. I'm a little confused on the setup. I created a mailing list and it imported everybody into the list. Great. But now anyone new registering, doesn't get added to the list. I also noticed the default usergroup called "members' for new members isn't even listed as a usergroup to manage in the...
  17. skylab

    Bug Paid Subscription in vBulletin does not with with vBMail enabled

    I run a Paid Subscription forum on vBulletin. Users use the vBulletin built-in subscription option. I have only Paypal enabled. The way I have it setup: Once a user pays for a subscription, the user is moved into another usergroup. The issue: vBulletin isn't able to retrieve the information...
  18. Vcize

    Do pro versions remove footer links?

    Are the footer links back to DBTech only for the free versions of the mods? Do the pro versions remove the footer links? I'm interested in buying the pro versions of several mods for several forums but there's no way I'm wasting 8 outbound links off of every page of my sites on a mod I'm...
  19. M

    Question Upload vBShout Lite

    I know this question has been asked before, and I know there are instructions for installation, but I am a beginner, and I'm sorry that I don't understand them. I got this error: /home/content/27/8182527/html/forums/dbtech/vbshout/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing! I know that...
  20. Madhatterr

    Bug VBMail breaks Vbulletin automatic subscription usergroup updating

    We use the built in Vbulletin subscription service to offer a variety of perks to our members that are mostly based on usergroup levels. We began experiencing the issue that the usergroups were not being automatically upgraded when members purchased new subscriptions. After enabling and...