
  1. Steris56

    Bug Breadcrumbs

    I installed the 4.2.0 navtabs on my test site and when product is enabled my breadcrumbs disappear this is what i have on it New Posts: Private Messages FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links My Search Links when i disable navtabs they re appear...
  2. Morrus

    Legacy Doanload delay change

    (You can't post in these forums with tapatalk as the pre-post forms are missing) The download delay is a great idea, but would be a thousand times better if it used the best setting for your usergroups rather than the worst. The way it's currently set up, you can't use the paid subscription...
  3. C

    Question How do I remove the like thread box when no-one has liked the post?

    I have started helping my mates forum however I can't find out how to do this.. When someone hasn't liked a post you can't see the box. When someone likes the post the box shows up with the person who liked the post.
  4. P

    Bug Donate more points then you have

    I found a serious problem, i put in option that a user cant go negative whit credits. I tried few options delay frequency but nothing helped here is the problem. If you donate to someone credits and click fast submit more times your currency will go in - For example i have 300 points and send...
  5. C

    Legacy Comments and Database...

    I see that comments are very simple, users can’t quote, edit or remove their comments like vBulletin does. Also there is no subscription method. Looking further inside the code to see how you build comment system, I see that you don’t use the vBulletin system. You store all messages in your...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Profile Statistics

    Types of statistics displayed (in order of appearance) Custom fields (you can enable/disable all custom fields or specify which custom fields you want the script to show). Age statistics (you can enable/disable this and also specify the classes that the ages are sorted into) Age...
  7. K

    Bug Missing Sub Menu

    Hi After installation All Of The Sub Menu Are Disappeared Form The Forum . The Missing Sub Menu It Is Only In The Forum Tag. I Add A Photo For illustration. Thanks Knikio
  8. T

    Bug Usergroup Change

    Does the usergroup change timelimit work? I have a monthly subscription I sell through vbshop and once the month is up it should expire on its own. It's impossible to keep track of every purchase and manually remove it after a month. Any fixes or something I could implement for this time limit...
  9. Force

    DBTech vbmail

    Fatal error: Field dbtech_vbmail_productbought is not defined in $validfields in class vB_DataManager_User in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515 When i go to settings for dbtech vbmail on this site and untick Default Keyword Subscription i get the error above when i save it
  10. Steris56

    Subscription Notifications seen this at VB was just wondering if this could be incorporated in vb notifications or just a new mod altogether .. if there is a mod at db that does this maybe i missed it
  11. limits

    Legacy usergroup time limit

    Is there a way to determine how long a member remains in an upgraded usergroup after they have pay on access in the shop? example: user pay 3 mt. access to a membergroup, after this time move back to primary group.
  12. C

    Legacy Subscriptions

    One huge thing this program is lacking is the ability to provide subscriptions. I have noticed that vbulletin has its own "paid subscriptions" however the db donate pro plugin does not utilize it. VSA is not being supported right now (I put in a question for that back in April (17th) and have...
  13. D

    Question Usergroup revert

    Hi, Since vBshop doesn't actually revert the usergroup back to normal after the time of the item expires i managed to manually add those users to paid subscription so that they have a expire date but for some reason vBulletin is not reverting users to the normal usergroup after their...
  14. H

    Legacy Buy Subscription with X Points

    Best Fillip H. After the issue off the usergroup change didn't work I have asked my friend to make one and he said okay but under one condition he only make the functions now I got a problem because I have to put them up with HTML codes into the template and I really want to do it with you...
  15. H

    Question vBShop Feature Usergroup Change Request

    Hello I am Co owner of and My frien (owner) has this Plugin as Pro but I have seen that the usergroupchange of the primary usergroup change doesn't work such as it doesn't go back to the old usergroup he/she had how can I fix this?
  16. M

    Does your Downloads Plugin Support secondary usergroups

    Two questions please. Hi does your Downloads modification support secondary usergroups overriding the primary usergroups. We have a subscription service that adds a secondary usergroup, I need something that if a member subscribes to the forums they will get the downloads permissions and...
  17. R

    Legacy Questions about Pay to register?

    Hello Does the plugin has the feature for registration - Pay to register? I want to lock my site as private site and only people who paid, then they can register. I knew the paid subscription feature, but It is less flexible for me to manage my private website. Thank you very much
  18. W

    Legacy integraton vBulletin subscription manager to vBDonate

    Hy guys, i would like to suggest a new feature in vBDonate which is think is a very good one if included which is the integration of subscription manager of vBulletin with the vBDonate or add it in the mod (doesnt seems of importance as already included in vbulletin). This was also in AWCoding...
  19. Drahnier

    Question change Dropdown menu options?

    it's probably something terribly obvious but where/how can I add/remove links from here; Specifically I'd like to rename "Contribute" to "Donate", remove the "My Contributions" link and add a link to Vbulletins Default Subscription page(/payments.php)
  20. W

    integrating vBulletin subscription manager to vBDonate

    Hy guys, i would like to suggest a new feature in vBDonate which is think is a very good one if included which is the integration of subscription manager of vBulletin with the vBDonate or add it in the mod (doesnt seems of importance as already included in vbulletin). This was also in AWCoding...