
  1. M

    Bug Feedback System

    Feedback System - Enable PM (Feedback Reminder Alert), there link vbshop.php?do=feedback&shopid=1 Can Leave Feedback, Can Receive Feedback, Can Moderate Feedback - ticks are set. Were link - Viewing Feedback? or it is only a PM?
  2. Sarab

    Bug Two Bugs

    Hello, Two major bugs: 1- Bank bug: by opening the bank page more then one time. I can deposit my current money more then one time, so I can multiple what I have like this =") 2- Expire Bug: the items effect wont expire even when the time end. Regards, Saleh Albinkhalil
  3. M

    vbavatars and vbshop working together

    I came across your site recently, and your addons. I'm really interested in using them. I've even willing to buy a vbulletin license to be able to use them. My question is, is it possible to have vbavatars and vbshop to work together? Like using vbshop as the shop system. I plan to have a lot...
  4. benowns

    Question Can this shop do this?

    Hello, I would like to use your shop system and this is what i want to do. People can purchase some kind of credits with paypal, and then use the credits they purchased to buy items in our store. Can this system do this? Thank you
  5. F

    Bug Items displayed in the shop/categories...

    I'm having problems displaying the correct number of items in the shop. I was considering buying the Pro version, but need to know if this is a paging error in the mod, or have I done something wrong. I have 26 items. The only time the correct number being shown is when I choose 100. 26...
  6. H

    Bug Remove "Positive Rating: 0% [View]" from shop list

    How do I remove " Positive Rating: 0% [View]" from the shop list? I have feedback disabled but this text still appears.
  7. H

    Question Questions

    I am testing and learning the product. 1. I added an item to buy the right to upload a smilie. We bought it, but now we cannot figure out where to go to upload the smilie. I know how to do it through the admin, but not as a general registered forum member. 2. I asked about the difference...
  8. V

    Question VbAnswers >> Forum Manager

    Hi In the vbulletin admin backend under VbAnswers >> Forum Manager I see all the forums listed with points assigned to solution, best answer and good answer. Can you please explain where exactly these points are used? For example: for deciding the trophy winner for 'most solution' does...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Question Item Show

    How to set Item Show per page?
  10. Nirjonadda

    Question vBShop Points Update

    How to vBShop Points Update for old post/thread ?
  11. H

    Question Shop with Credits/Shop to access special form

    1. In the credits thread you indicated I can set up shop to sell access to a special forum, with an item that expires after a month. How do I set up Item to do so? I do not see any settings. 2. How do I change the currency settings to read the vbCredits? I made a new vbCredit currency...
  12. mikez006

    Bug Username change + Shop bug

    Im using the latest version of VBshop and your Username Change version 1.1.0 so members can buy a username change in our store. Everything works, however the Username History tab does not appear in members profile pages. Before I added the store it was there. Not sure if this is a bug with the...
  13. P

    Image Rotator

    I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction and if nothing such as this exists perhaps it can be built? Image Rotation - for websites, blogs, forum avatars, sigs, myspace profiles, etc. I have an Art Group Forum for Paint Shop Pro. My members liked using the above link to change...
  14. K

    VB5 version: credits and shop

    Hello, I've got several VB3 and 4 sites that we want to migrate to vb5 by the end of this year. We notice a severe lack of the classic mods like shop and currency systems for VB5, while there are several floating around for VB3 and 4, including your vbshop and vb credits and would like to know...
  15. H

    Bug No "Field" in Criteria drop down

    I just installed this and am trying to set it up to test it, but the "Field" drop down in the Criteria area has nothing in the drop down. Also, when I use this, once they earn a reward, can it be set to restart? Since I do not have it set up, I cannot see if this is the right add-on for me...
  16. Noctis88

    Bug Mutiple Bugs that i had on VBshop lite

    Hello DBtech, i had a few problems on my lite version of VBshop, here the problems : 1. The showing items on the list didnt reveal according the set of page. Example i show it 250/page (although the items on the list is far below 250 ) this should make all items reveal right? but its not, i've...
  17. X

    A great big thank you!!!!

    I have not been a member here for too long but i gotta say a few things...... Over the past couple of months not only have i had magnificent support but my most resent purchase.... talk about service!!! I was not present at my site when the professional install was completed.... took me by a...
  18. limits

    Legacy usergroup time limit

    Is there a way to determine how long a member remains in an upgraded usergroup after they have pay on access in the shop? example: user pay 3 mt. access to a membergroup, after this time move back to primary group.
  19. J

    Bug vBShop Member shops

    A few issues with member shops: 1. Feedback reminders do not go out automatically, I had others buy things and purposely not leave feedback to ensure it wasn't just me. 2. When deleting a feedback (there’s no edit), the overall percentage does not change. An example, if someone leaves...
  20. C

    Questions for product selection

    Hi, I am currently using vB experience and I am running into some serious problems with it. I would like to find a system that: 1. Rewards users based on their activity. 2. Has a shop where users can exchange their points for prizes (like gift certificates that I would purchase and give them)...