VB5 version: credits and shop

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I've got several VB3 and 4 sites that we want to migrate to vb5 by the end of this year. We notice a severe lack of the classic mods like shop and currency systems for VB5, while there are several floating around for VB3 and 4, including your vbshop and vb credits and would like to know if and when we can expect to see VB5 versions of those?

We're basically stuck on VB3 and 4 until either you guys or someone else comes up with equivalent mods. We're hoping it's you guys since we're extremely happy with the one mod we did purchase here for xenforo.

Thanks for the info.
There's no timeframes for when we'll have any of our mods updated to vB5.

vB5 is changing a lot from version to version, they are hard at work making vast improvements to the core, CSS and JS - all of which makes committing resources to coding for it more challenging. Once it has "settled down" we'll be able to put out vB5 versions with the same quality as the vB4 versions :)
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