
  1. bzcomputers

    Question A couple forum url rewrite questions...

    I have a company that will appear occasionally and it's name is "A-Rosa". Currently if it's name occurs in a thread title (since I have "a" as a stop word) it will look like this: Example 1 Thread Title: A-Rosa Opens New Office
  2. bzcomputers

    Bug Quotations in Download Name cause issues in url when using rewrites

    Quotations in any download name are causing url issues when being rewritten. The quotation is currently breaking the url link where it is inserted. I see this for thumbnail urls, download page urls, and download urls referenced multiple places throughout the mod. Looks like quotes need to be...
  3. webi

    Bug Error in error.log

    Hello Fillip H., I have now installed DBSeo, and the following entries in the Apache error.log. [Sat Mar 01 11:45:27 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 102 in...
  4. K

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for vBulletin

    Hi, we are planning to purchase VBulletin V4.2.1. and considering a possibility of using Dragonbyte SEO. Can you possibly advise how to redirect VBulletin URL's to DragonByte SEO. Do you recommend using rewrite rule in htaccess or there is another way? We have a considerable number of...
  5. S

    Question Too many redirects

    Hi, i change today from vbseo to dbseo with import but i get a error with too mandy redirects in every posting or thread. i change my .htaccess from # Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning) # to disable mod_rewrite functions. # Please note: you still need to disable the hack in...
  6. V

    Question rewrite rules for dbSEO

    Hello. A person will get a installation of a mod, but he question me this about dbseo: Can you help me with the answer? thanks
  7. Papa Bear

    Question CMS Custom URL

    Ok..I have my CMS running at and my forum is so how do i set the customs urls to work..the rewrite for the forum and blog work fine cause they are all located in the /forums directory but when you click on a article link on the cms i get a 404 error page..
  8. HaZaRd

    Bug CMS not work with DragonByte SEO

    CMS does not work, the page returns "Error 404. Not Found. The requested URL / content / was not found on this server." I've had a problem with another identical seo-mod and I discovered that my server is fast-cgi. I created a topic here to ask the question. copy and paste the content here...
  9. N

    Bug Old Attachment URL used in a few places (CMS + Specific Post Link)

    Just noticed a minor bug (is bug the right word?) in the latest DBSEO. It appears in a couple of places in the forum it forgets to 'rewrite' the url and exposes the old URL's. It's not a major issues as it does just redirect on the fly, but it's something VBSEO never did so perhaps it's worth...
  10. N

    Bug A few php errors (nothing major at all)

    Just thought I'd post a few of the PHP errors we noticed with DBSEO (it's running fine, but I just thought I'd mention them just incase there is anything that could be a possible bug or help improve the product) Line 1818 error has appeared about 30 times over the last 24 hours: [10-Feb-2014...
  11. R

    Bug failed to open stream: No such file or directory

    I'm not too sure where the problem is at the moment. I have another product not a DBTech one, basically we have a Agarage section on the forum, where people can add photos of their vehicles. When a new one is added a thread is automatically created. When I try to view the thread I get this...
  12. R

    Question installation and configuration errors in relation with dbseo

    Hi, Would you mind checking up the forum for the installation errors of vbdownloads. I did a fresh installation of the vbdownloads, however, I already have downloads folder inside the forum directory for downloads II. While visiting a page, blank page appears. I tried to change the directory...
  13. C

    Question rewrite gone wrong

    I tried to make a custom rewrite rule for this page By entering this rewrite rule: '^custompages\.php\?page=salinity-conversion-table' =>'salinity-conversion-table.html' I want the url to look like...
  14. M

    Bug Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) and vbseo

    Hello, redirect me to but it should redirect to I'm using vbseo on this instalation vbulletin but I have "NO" selected in vbseo setting of Rewrite Member...
  15. Ozzy47

    Bug Undefined

    When viewing your buddylist, where it should say Notifications, it says undefined. You can see it in action on here also,
  16. C

    Question custom rewrites update fail

    I had an unfortunate power failure in the middle of saving the custom rewrite rules this afternoon as I was doing some updates. Whenthe pc power failed in the middle of the settings update, the custom rewrites were not in the control panel any more. So I figured I would install dbseo on my...
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Enabled get VbDownload Blank Screen!

    Whenever I turn URL Rewrite Settings/vBDownloads URLs/Rewrite vBDownloads URLs I get a blank page The original before link is: vBDownloads The link after I enable SEO on vBDownloads: Please Obi Wan you're my only hope! Just so you know it's been doing...
  18. N

    Question Converting from vBSEO to DBSEO - Only one issue. Homepage not redirecting

    Hello Dragonbyte, Almost flawless installation and importing from vBSEO. However only one issue remains Currently we use for homepage (VB4-CMS) and for Forums /content and /forum work perfectly, however we can also now go to which shows the VB4 CMS...
  19. N

    Dragonbyte SEO - URL Rewrite rules for IIS 7.x/8.x

    Hello Dragonbyte, Quick question regarding your SEO product, we're currently running vBSEO on our forum (quite a large one) and with the upgrade to 4.2.2 we're looking into switching to your SEO plugin in order to preserve all our current links from vBSEO. However, we currently run on IIS 7.x...
  20. sharma

    Bug Multiple Issues with Dragonbyte SEO Mod

    Just purchased an installed Dragonbyte SEO mod, but after installation forum links broken and i didn't see any plessant URL rewrites other than Vb4.2.x default URL's. 1, When i click any thread,post,forum links then it's lead to 404 page 2, URL rewrite isn't working at all 3, Sitemap generated...