
  1. M

    Bug Member profile URL rewrite

    Hi, I have a bug with the rewrite function on members profiles. It add a "-a" like : Forum Mac => doesn't work Forum Mac => work Thanks
  2. Replicators

    Legacy Please make your own header rewrite or fix conflict with others!

    Header Rework 4 - Forum ^There has to be a way to make the notifications work alongside something like this, and this is the biggest struggle i have been having in setting up the forums the way i need them to be. Please someone, anyone fix this conflict!
  3. Q

    Question Got an 404 error after Installation

    Hello, I purchased the DragonByte SEO for my new Community. I made the Installation like written in the readme.txt. After installing, I saw the new URL like - Seite nicht gefunden but when I click on this URL, I got an 404 error. I made no changes on the Setting. Regards, qix100
  4. M

    Bug Rewrite that worked with vSBEO not working now

    Why is this url Invalid Page! - Math Help Boards | Free Math Help matching with this rule '^view\.php\?pg=potw$'=>'potw/'? It didn't do this with vbSEO but now is running through this script for some reason.
  5. N

    Question URL's not working after intall / 500 ISE after .htaccess

    Just ordered and installed your software, everything seemed good. URL's on the forum got changed, but all of them would lead to a 404 Error. I figured maybe my root .htaccess was to blame, so I edited the .htaccess in my /forum/ directory to match what was in the readme, all that did was give...
  6. webi

    Bug Rewrite faulty

    Hi Fillip H., Today I've found in the activities as seen in the screenshot. This applies to all posts in a poll. BUG or I can adjust it myself? Which option would it be? Best Regards
  7. C

    Question Rewrite Link Titles not working

    I just noticed that links are no longer being rewritten with the page titles. For example this post here: Information New Class schedule announced - with a brand new class on CORAL WARFARE!! I'm not sure if that changed with the new updates installed last night or if it wasn't working at some...
  8. bzcomputers

    Question Reducing server load and page load times by moving rules from .htaccess to httpd.conf

    I was going to do some testing on moving .htaccess rules directly into httpd.conf to see if I could squeeze a little better performance overall out of vb4 in general. I personally have a substantial amount of rewrite rules already that I wanted to move from .htaccess to httpd.conf and figured to...
  9. H

    Question Problem with non-english letters and accents

    Hi I have DragonByte SEO v1.0.7 installed in my forum in Spanish language, and I have problems with the letter "ñ" and the accents. e.g. Title of the post: CELOS Y MARCACIÓN url: ..../25252-celos-marcaci.html Title of the post: CELOS: AGRESIÓN A NIÑOS url...
  10. C

    Question Some Issues

    I just noticed a couple issues I am hoping you can help me with. First on this thread: When I look at the pagination link at the bottom of the thread, the thread link to go to the "first" page is...
  11. Replicators

    Dragonbyte Header Rewrite

    I am very interested in a header rewrite, and every rewrite i have tried will not work alongside vbnotifications. I would love to see something like "" I would even pay money for it if someone can do it which would not conflict with any...
  12. Replicators

    Question directs to

    Everything works fine now except my blog, it leads to a certain page that i don't want it to go, i just want it to go to blog.php. I set the custom rewrite rule as "'^blog.php$' => 'blog'", and it leads me to /blog/recent-entries/ and show a empty page stating "Page not found". I have cleared...
  13. madmaxmangos

    vBdownloads and SEO

    Hey, Testing your lite versions for a new site and noticed that with SEO switched on and a vBdownloads category containing a space in the name it gives an error. You can view the error by clicking on the only category url we have: If the space is removed...
  14. dreamchrono

    Question Subforum acting as "External Link" rewritten

    Dear Sir, Using vBulletin 4.2.2, one of my sub-forum is acting as a link : ------------------------ Forum Link (Entering a URL here will cause anyone clicking the forum link to be redirected to that URL) ------------------------ This link is rewritten as a form "custom: f[forum_id]" When a...
  15. Z

    Bug Custom URL Rewrites not working

    I purchased the Pro version today, and the rewrites are working fine but when I try to add custom rewrites via the dbseo control panel they simply don't work, have no effect. I've attempted to flush the cache to no avail.
  16. S

    Question Changing thread rewrite rules 301 old urls

    i want to change the thread urls which currently do not contain the forum names so that they do. Is there a way to do this simply within dbseo which would 301 any old urls to new ones? or do i need to make a 301 redirect file (basically this is not an option as ive over 1m urls indexed...
  17. P

    Legacy Push Attachments,CSS,Avatars to CDN

    I was going through my vbOptimise plugin looking for ways to make my site faster, and I noticed that I am failing 3 optimal settings checks. The problem is I cannot store attachments, avatars and css stylesheets as files since my forum is hosted on a HA recyclable infrastructure with load...
  18. sevenmix

    Bug Error.log

    Hi I have lot of this on error_log: [07-Mar-2014 12:11:24 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: preg_match() [<a href='function.preg-match'>function.preg-match</a>]: Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 102 in...
  19. C

    Legacy Rewrite/Replacement for CDN

    vbseo had an option to replace strings in the html output. I would be a great addition to dbseo to have this same feature.
  20. C

    Question IIS Server Web.Config

    Hello, I've just installed dBTech SEO mod for vBulletin. It works great, however I have one huge problem. I am on IIS and the rewriting of URLs is not working quiet well. I'm new to IIS (I prefer Apache with htaccess - but what can I do) and I really don't know how can I fix the issue...