
  1. ZeroHour

    Legacy Pruning options

    Hi We have very large tracking and session tables and I was wondering if you could add a prune option for visitors that dont return after 30/60 days to clear out bot registration attempts and stale sessions.
  2. A

    Legacy Add rel=”author” support for Thread Starter This site demonstrates how to add it to wordpress. We could use it also for dbseo.
  3. K

    Question how to completly disable url rewrite

    hi i really dont like url rewrite and everytime it has many conflict or "page not found" or .... so how can i desable it in DB Seo? specially this one: URL Part Separator its get "Page not found" when xml sitemap from dbseo will send and all urls are get this error from google
  4. R

    Question importing the likes from thumbs up mod?

    Sir, I have installed your mod and wanted to request you to let me know how do I import the likes from Thumbs Up mod here: [AJAX] Thumbs Up? - Forum I had earlier VBSEO likes, and had migrated the likes of vbseo to Thumbs up mod. Now I have un-installed the VBSEO and have only...
  5. Grumpy

    Bug Categories/User Groups

    I am having problems with user groups that I do not have a check mark by for certain categories. Seems they can still view the category. I can uncheck active for the category and it still can be viewed by all. Very confused here, I figured deactivating the whole category that no one could...
  6. Em Kay

    Bug Small feedback issue

    While the feedback appears to be calculating correctly, the neg feedback is not showing in the number counts.. NM the arrows under the months thingy :P PS Thank you so much for the quick work on the updates for the bugs. Ill have my people run through this update and give it a good hammering...
  7. M

    Question Access Denied

    Hello, I seem to be hitting a few set backs, and maybe this is a problem with vBulletin or something, Seems to be only with vbshout, but not dismissing it, Just looking for guidance. When I go to this link...
  8. Nirjonadda

    Legacy All Invites Show

    Please can you add option All Invites Showing on user CP (registration.php?do=profile&action=invites)? Currently showing only 10 Invites.
  9. M

    Bug VB5.1 VBShout (newest) Internet Exploder/Chrome/Firefox problems?

    Ok. So done a little leg work here... But heres where things get interesting... If I am in Firefox or Chrome (Haven't tried Safari). I get nothing to work... If I issue a /prune command it says "You don't have permission to prune shouts.". (Chrome doesn't give me any errors at all just...
  10. GoodApples

    Question Disable Postage Country

    I've set up two Currencies and wish to have only two Countries list for the postage but the user can see under Postage Options all Countries listed. I don't wish to remove them from the Country Code Manager but I'm thinking it's the only option? Can the Countries be disabled from the Postage...
  11. GoodApples

    Question Images in Description

    Can images in the Description be removed without having them removed from the Main Image / Sub gallery view. I wouldn't mind having the default image displayed but not all the images.
  12. Grumpy

    Bug Feature Listing Fee

    The fee amount does not show until you preview your ad. First pic is before the preview and the second pic is after. I have tried everything but I cannot seem to get it to work. I've notice on this site it is working like it should. Any ideas what might be causing my issue? before: after:
  13. M

    Bug Many Link Problems

    Hi i have any Problems with Links in Threads/Posts. 1. If i clicked an Link in an Post that go to another Thread in the Forum, it´s open in a new Browserwindow. 2. if i copy a link from the CMS in an Forumthread, they CMS Post Titel will not displayed, only complet Url. if i copy Forum links...
  14. Em Kay

    Bug Auction listing, unable to bid when putting in Reserve price

    From one of our testers
  15. Em Kay

    Bug Viewing Issue displays wrong name

    The issue displays as being posted by "me" but it is from another member. So it doesnt identify properly which will cause confusion.
  16. Em Kay

    Bug Feedback Notification, No Option to Leave FB, Link in PM

    We're using the option to use vb notifications with the classies. Sometimes a notification for the classies will not clear, happens on all feedback notifications, it will hang and takes hours to disappear even after reading/acting on it. Also, sometimes a there is no option to leave feedback...
  17. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have purchased DBSEO today in order to migrate from VBSEO. I did the migration right now in my production environment and it seems to be OK. BUT I have seen that my archives thread links are not rewritten the same way than when browsing normaly. My fear is to have duplicate content due...
  18. T

    Bug Points not working when points column is not in user table

    I'm attempting to use another mod's existing points; vbexperience to be exact. I noticed that they are stored in two different locations. Once in the user table, and another in 'xperience_stats' > 'points_xperience'. However when I choose the xperience_stats as the Points Table the points do...
  19. T

    Legacy Proper integration with vbExperience?

    Any chance of getting vbshop to work correctly with vbExperience. Currently if you just input the field into vbshop, it'll show the points, but they are reverted after a purchase or donation. I know the modification is aging, but I still like it a lot. Honestly, I like it better than...
  20. C

    Question apostrophe handling

    I would really like to see the apostrophe handling in forum titles be changed or at least an option to skip the apostrophe instead of putting a dash in the URL. Previously vbseo dropped the apostrophes...thus now existing inbound links to my forums with apostrophes in their names are broken...