
  1. K

    Bug Decimals (2) shown only in stats page, in postbit no decimals - how to fix?

    I changed option for decimals to 2, but decimals shown only on credits.php page and not on postbit. Please suggest how to fix?
  2. H

    Question Slow Queries

    This particular query started running really slow today: # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 443035 Schema: lipstick_forum QC_hit: No # Query_time: 979.511385 Lock_time: 781.017818 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 SET timestamp=1398816291; DELETE FROM dbtech_thanks_recententry...
  3. Papa Bear

    Question New Feature

    In your news release it states it adds a new parameter to the VB Config.php for whitelisting I.P.'s ..after upgrading to version 1.02 and looking over my config.php file I assume we have to add the "$config['TwoFactor']['ipwhitelist']" to the file ourselves...
  4. Grumpy

    Bug Updated to 1.1.3 and now no usergroup has access to ads

    I updated to 1.1.3 and now no one has access to ads including myself [admin]. I changed no settings in the user group(s).
  5. R

    Question List for files to exclude?

    Is there a list for all that files we should exclude from rewriting? Yesterday i found out that the relative url for my .css war rewritten wrong, now i am afraid that more inludes int the source will be wrong. I am shure that this problem was solved many times before, so i ask if there is a list...
  6. clubcooee

    Bug newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved.

    newest pro version:vBShout (vB5) v6.1.0a7 "Editing Instance:" can't be saved. Well I only wanted to show the smilies button, but the normal "Edit Instance" won't let me save my settings. I had to give access to my members by using the "Quick Instance Permissions Setup" cause the "usual" way of...
  7. X

    Question Latest PM's in ACP

    in acp on homepage this section does not appear latest pms Sent eg this screen shot I copied from another thread here on site its not mine c/p as I needed an example I have tried everything, triple checked to ensue option was enabled ...disabled and reenabled ... What am I missing?
  8. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Feature Option

    please can you add some Feature Option? Feature Option: 1.Only Draft Posts Icon Show. 2.Draft Posts Icon With Text Show.(mouseovers) 3.Display the Draft Posts Show for Postbit In all post.
  9. Loony BoB

    Bug Achievements not being calculated properly?

    I've only just set this little baby up, and to test it I set a criteria of >= 500 posts in our "Timber Maniacs HQ" forum. I recalculate Achievements. This worked fine, 48 people were listed for it. Then I set up >= 10, >= 50, >= 100, >= 500 and >= 1000 posts for this forum and another forum...
  10. K

    Legacy primissions access

    its to bad that anyone is a admin can access all of the forms and can edit all of them maybe we need some admins to access only some forms and manage them i think anyone is manager in that forum should be manager of forms in that forum
  11. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Donation for Registration Membership

    Please can you add option Donation for Registration Membership, Pay to Registered the forum.
  12. Grumpy

    Bug Instances problem

    I have created an additional instance [Invite Instance] and added two fields [first and last name] and removed human verification for this instance. I have created two criterias one default and one for invite instances. When a non-invited member tries to register after having email...
  13. Drahnier

    Bug Buttons Not Working after Move - PHP Version Issue? (vB 4.2.2)

    This isn't really a bug, but was the best of the category options available. Sorry! I recently moved my site over to a new host and installed upgraded versions of all the server software. One of these upgrades was moving the PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5, which is not officially supported by vB...
  14. Em Kay

    Legacy Payment Not Required

    I have in the "Manage Forms" that Payment s required, but members are able to post a listing without marking a Payment
  15. Nirjonadda

    Bug Go to first unread post in thread

    Go to first unread post in thread not working, When i go to first unread post in thread and its does not open me where i last Visited or Where my last reply on the thread.
  16. D

    Legacy Image Host Support and a couple other idea's

    1. Is there a way or can you add links to pictures so a person can use an image host (,, etc,etc,etc). I see the spot to upload from a website but it trys to load the picture to my server. Mainly so the picture is not taking up space on the my server. 2. Also is there a...
  17. W

    Bug Trying to get to work on vb 3.8.X site that has never used VBSEO

    Not sure I want to re-write all the URL's to start out with as all our old forum URL's are seo'd as they exist today. Basically I installed the product and turned it on and whenever I click on a thread in the "new threads" list, I get: Not Found The requested URL...
  18. K

    suggestion - spicial ways for ads

    hi vbulletin has some simple ways to ads but how about a genius mod that provide special place for smart ads? how about showing a new private message in inbox area for ads? this is not a real message.its only an AD that show new page how about to show a new thing happened in user "last...
  19. R

    Bug skinning issue with the statistics page

    The skin is having issues can you kindly help. Screenshot attached.
  20. N

    Legacy AdSense Tags and Remove White-Spaces

    Hello, vBSEO has a Feature for the Adsense Start and End Tags of the Relevant Content. <!-- google_ad_section_start --> HERE IS THE CONTENT <!-- google_ad_section_end --> And also vBSEO has a Feature to remove White-Spaces into the HTML Output. Please add these functions. Thank you!