
  1. S

    Legacy Ban someone from using some (all) buttons

    Hi, I have a member who is spamming someone with "dislike" on every single post he is making. Is this possible to to ban a member from using some (all) buttons? If not, is this something that is plan to be added? It would be nice to be able to add a list of userid (or username) that cant use...
  2. neounix

    Question SEO Value in Sitemaps to Submit?

    Hey! We currently operate under a theory (and we have observed this as well) that there is an upper limit to the number of pages that GoogleBot will index for a site. So, we generally only submit sitemap info to GoogleBot and BingBot for: threads tags forums Sometimes we submit for: posts...
  3. bzcomputers

    Legacy What is the purpose of the "-a" trailing on urls with title that ends in a number?

    What is the purpose of the "-a" trailing on urls with title that ends in a number? What is the purpose of the "-a" trailing on urls with titles that end in a number? If it is not essential can you add a setting so that we can disable this feature? I have quite a few urls that end in a date...
  4. limits

    Bug problems whit dezimal 0,5 go to 5 after saving

    after you explain mee vbshop cant handle dezimals, i get this problem now. (i use dezimals because you write in the configuration: Random Addition A random amount between 0 and this number can be added to the action amount. Decimal and negative numbers are okay. Use 0 to disable.) so beter...
  5. GoodApples

    Bug Edit Note - Delete Note - Error

    Error message when editing note or deleting note. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT li.listingitemid, l.title FROM dbtech_classifieds_listing_item AS li LEFT JOIN dbtech_classifieds_listing AS l ON l.listingid =...
  6. S

    Question Collapse Weight formula

    Hi, I want to do a more complex (still simple! :P ) formula. Currently, people get 2 rep points for a Thank you, and 1 rep point for a "lol", and -2 for a dislike The auto-collapse is set as 5. Can I use number in my formula? Like: [Dislike] - [likes] - 0.5[lol] ? If i use decimal, should I...
  7. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Rewrite Posts URLs Not Working Property

    Hello Again! Sorry to be such a pain on the bug reports. We just noticed that no matter how we configure the individual posts URLS in DBSEO, for example: The URL rewrite forum of the post is always: [post-id]-post[post-number].html For example 302861647-post10.html Regardless of how we...
  8. bzcomputers

    Question Beta8: Question on how URL rewrite history works

    Being that the URL rewrite history is handled in the background without any user settings (from what I can tell), what happens when I spend a couple hours setting up DBSEO initially to get the settings the way I want? This may happen on initial install of DBSEO or the install of another DBSEO...
  9. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Error when trying to import xml on install

    Getting this error when trying to import xml for beta8: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dbtech_dbseo_urlhistory` ( `setting` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `regexpformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `rawformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL...
  10. M

    Question Mysql Goes Away on Install

    Hi Guys, When Importing the XML I get a blank page and a MYSQL gone away error. My forum is quite large 220,000 members and 2.3 million posts... I wondered if you guys had either the direct mysql commands (VIA SSH command line). Or know the php.ini or my.cnf lines that need upping? I get...
  11. bzcomputers

    Legacy Add the ability to include a separate list of urls outside of vb standard urls

    I personally have quite a few add-on pages that will not currently be picked up by the DBSEO Sitemap feature. This includes personally created custom pages and some pages that are created by additional add-ons to vb4. This was something that was handled previously by vbSEO's sitemap...
  12. R

    Variation to Membermap request

    I need a member type map but with a slight twist - instead of members locations, admin or users could add markers for all sorts of reasons depending on what the site is about! Xenforo have a googlemap they call "Hotspots" and I'd love to have it on my vB4.2.2 site. But it's not worth changing...
  13. S

    vBMail Questions and Issues with Lite

    I was looking for a way to keep up with mailing list and found this add-on/plugin. I wanted to give the Lite version a trial run first to make sure it all works like I need it to. I downloaded it and have a few questions and an issue I would like to work out before proceeding to purchase. I...
  14. CharlieDelta

    Bug Version Number Problem in 2.1.1

    Version number is still showing 2.1.0 in 2.1.1
  15. Bullmama DeLano

    Classifieds Trial?

    I would really like to try the classifieds as we have auctions every quarter for English Bulldogs in Rescue. But to pay that much up front without giving it a full test is something we cannot do. No lite version? Anyway to try it for 30 days?
  16. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Database error on credits_pending

    On my website I am receiving an occasional error with my DataBase... Not entirely sure if this is the DBTech Mod When it happens the error screen shows but I fix it by refreshing the webpage... Your Product version entry will not allow me to input 2.1.1pl1 Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2...
  17. CharlieDelta

    Bug DB Error When Trying To Leave Feedback

    Trying to leave feedback and received this DB error.
  18. XGC Paravain

    Question Jackpot Question

    I bet you were wondering when I was going to post in here, and what my first question would be lol This ones simple as a test I put 20 points in the jackpot of a game and had my girl play to win it First I wanted to text the Moderating part and when she won I could not find where to accept or...
  19. V

    Legacy Wishlist to 1.0.12 Beta

    Hi ! 11 Beta - best product, however, there are some nuances. 1. Conditions Manager - not order values 2. Manage Option - still not editable title 3. not comment on someone else's Item 4. not parsed Youtube link in to Description and Note 5. Random Order Options / Specifications 6...
  20. H

    Bug Download Limit not working

    Hello I have my Downloads module set to limit regular registered users to 5 a day, however, the limit is not being enforced.... What seems to be happening is that the system, on the 5 th download, continues to display a "downloading" screen, instead of going back to the " browse files"...