
  1. Nirjonadda

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2

    I have Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2. Please check on this error issue. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global, phrasegroup_dbtech_vbeditortabs AS...
  2. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Placeholder Bleed Through

    I just noticed this slight bleed through for the "Your Ad Here" placeholder through one of my ads that is a PNG. It is a transparent ad but should still not have this happen. I am running the pl1 version. BTW - Unrelated to this mod but related to this forum. When I posted this bug I did not...
  3. P

    Classifieds Suggestion

    I just wanted to say it'd be pretty cool if your classifieds mod could also integrate with a points column from the user table. Could be beneficial towards customers earning bonus points / rewards / coupons / gift cards etc all that stuff.
  4. I

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2

    When I activate the plugin I get this warning in the mail. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT post.postid, post.pagetext, IFNULL( user.username , post.username ) AS username, dateline FROM post AS post LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid) WHERE...
  5. H

    Question Expired item: Invalid shop ID: After upgrade to 3.1.1

    I started getting this error during the Item Duration cron job after upgrading to the latest version of the shop. It causes such a huge load spike on the server I had to disable the shop. Any idea what caused it and how to fix it? Every item in the shop generates an Invalid shop ID error message.
  6. J

    Bug FlashGameDistribution import database error

    Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT gameid FROM vb_dbtech_vbarcade_game WHERE gameid = 'JuliaâsadventurePirates'; MySQL Error : Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' Error Number : 1267 Request Date ...
  7. M

    Bug Forumdisplay pages blank

    Hi there I am not sure but there seems to be a problem with the second pages in some of my forums? Satellite - Dreambox Downloads (Plugins) (WORKS FINE) But the second page of that forum is blank But so is the next...
  8. heyzeus909

    Question Resize Images for Side Block

    I use the side block to show the latest 6 events from the Live Feed on my home page. The problem is that when folks link to several pictures in the same post (happens a lot on my site), it makes that side block way, way long. Is it possible to have the images resized smaller? I saw this post...
  9. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Database Error Upon Installing

    Initial installation started good but then I received a db error after several db tables were installed. Here is the error: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE `vb3dbtech_classifieds_question_category` CHANGE `question_categoryid` `question_categoryid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT...
  10. M

    Bug Database Error

    Seems like whenever I try to upload a file and an image together I get an SQL Error when I click 'Post' Any help? Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: UPDATE dbtech_downloads_download SET numfiles = numfiles - 1 WHERE downloadid = '7'; MySQL Error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out...
  11. M

    Bug Classified Listing Gone?

    Hi Mokonzi, I cannot really explain this one apart from to give you a link to the item itself. which has vanished from the listings (apart from direct URL access) Viewing Listing: For sale.VU+DUO2 - Buy Sell Wanteds on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts basically if its sold then how would...
  12. Nirjonadda

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2

    I have Database error , please check and give me fix update. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vbusertextfield SET rank = '<img src="images/ranks/contributor.png" alt="" border="" />'...
  13. neounix

    Legacy Feature to Set First Page Number When Generating a Site Map

    Hey1 Do mind to add an option (for class_sitemap.php) in the sitemap setting (or a hook) where we can set the first page number when we start to generate a sitemap? Right now, it always starts as "0", however (in conjunction with our recent request for capabilities to have the option for...
  14. HaZaRd

    Tracks Mod for Game Racing Community

    I'm admin of Italian Community about Gran Turismo, a game for PlayStation3. I need a Mod for track online events with a control panel for input the data (pilots, position, points hearned, best lap etc...). Basic specifications: 1. Interface for input online event details (date, time, name of...
  15. D

    Question Link in footer appears again

    As I ordered link free wersion, it appears again in the footer, please let me know what to do
  16. M

    Raffle Contests using your Awards plugin

    I already have a number of DBTech mods, and so far I am happy with them, but I want to run some raffle contests where I give away a product ever 2 weeks, and the only thing you need to do is post in product thread to win, with maybe some text and photo promoting the our site, etc. And at the...
  17. GoodApples

    Bug Database Error on Fresh Install

    I attempted a fresh install and got this error... Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `package` (`productid`, `class`) VALUES ('dbtech_classifieds', 'DBTechClassifieds');; MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'DBTechClassifieds' for key 'class' Error Number ...
  18. Z

    Question Slider not appearing with auto insert, CMPS module question

    After downloading and uploading the files to my website, and importing the product, I've enable the auto insert option to the "Above Forums" positions and configured the plugin yet the slider is not appearing at all. I'm also wondering if there is a CMPS module available for this slider?
  19. Jennifer Anderson Marx

    Advanced Post Thanks / Like Issue

    I am interested in purchasing Advanced Post Thanks / Like for my installation of vBulletin 3.8.7 I installed the version at -- [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB3) [AJAX] - Forum -- first to evaluate it. I followed the installation directions in readme.txt...
  20. W

    Bug Add Tab only has vbulletin option as default

    I hope somebody can help me with this very weird issue. I have been using Navtabs for as long as I can remember and had a functioning drop down menu for my Care sheets and User CP. Around a week ago all images that my members upload show as attachments with a number and to troubleshoot mods...