
  1. P

    Question point still 0 in activity information

    why do my point still 0 in activity information even if i already post or comment saveral times?
  2. DxtGaming

    Bug Facebook Like [Minor bug]

    When I like a game then I refresh the page it is always "266" but in fact only one or a few members liked it
  3. D

    Bug vBActivity 2.1.7 problem

    Hello ... I have problem with vBactivity 2.1.7 lite The problem is after install this product & when i choose "manage achievements" it shows me this error "Fatal error: Class 'VBACTIVITY' not found in /xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/dbtech/vbactivity/actions/admin/achievement.php on line...
  4. angeljs

    Bug Strange Language Problem

    I've just realised that when I go to edit the points settings the language for some of the menu titles are messed up: I've tried re-importing the product with no success. :( Thanks for your time.
  5. S

    Question Sell physical item

    I created a custom item with instruction for user to fill out address and phone number, price is set to 0 point (for testing). After I press the save button, nothing happened. System does not seem to sent email to seller to confirm nor to shop owner to annouce there is item to be shipped...
  6. C

    Question Product installation

    Just bought the vBDownloads 1.3.1. There is no readme, not installation instructions ????
  7. Morrus

    Question How do I remove the auto-price changing text?

    I'd like to safely remove the auto-changing price text when purchasing credits via PayPal from the credits_popup template (for aesthetic reasons - jumping text fields just ain't my scene!). I can probably figure it out myself, but I'm not *quite* good enough to be sure to do it without breaking...
  8. S

    Question Instruction manual

    Is there an instruction manual or readme or something that gives you information on how to do things. I am wanting to use the hide tag so registered members are required to click thanks or likes in order to see content. Did a search but didn't come up with much. Product is nice but bit short...
  9. G

    integration with mark as solved

    I have installed a "Mark as (SOLVED)" addon in my forum and i would like to integrate it with vbcredits so it will be available as an action.
  10. hachito

    Initial Setup

    Friends: I have installed the following MODS Market Point System (A shop MOD) VBCREDITS II DELUXE PRO (bought the lifetime license) VBACTIVITY PRO (I purchased the license for life) As Encounter not an instruction manual on how to configure both DragonByte mods, can you indicate what steps...
  11. R

    Currency Transfer...

    Hey! The currency transfer is very confusing... Could you explain how I can have my users transfer a certain amount of a currency into another currency? So for example, if a member has 500 Credits, they can transfer that amount into 1 Token. Nowhere in the settings allows me to do this...
  12. S

    Create a chat box for a certain forum

    I would like to be able to create a chat box in a private forum, is there any instruction on how to do that?
  13. Edrondol

    Documentation Needed

    There's a lot to this that is not readily apparent. I couldn't find if there was anything in the files downloaded, but is there instructions on how to Administrate the game anywhere? Like when setting up a CPU, there are match rules that I just don't understand. Combo? Sudden death? Victory...