
  1. OUTL4W

    Question Changing input text area and text

    I was looking thru the threads and found this thread for changing the color of the text box and text colors and it stated to find the input_background and control_focus_background in the style vars to change colors ....but they...
  2. C

    Legacy styling with glyphs

    I've been on a site optimization kick the past couple weeks. One of the things that I noticed is vbSlider is using a sprite with the images for the play, pause, etc. buttons which are selected based on the color skin that is selected per instance. I think a similar feature (changing the skin...
  3. J

    Bug Code struggles

    I think I've finally taught myself how to use this in the absence of *any* user documentation. :mad: However I may not understand the Code criteria properly. My interpretation of it is that I can give the code I see in the invite section of my settings to someone and they can follow that link...
  4. CharlieDelta

    Bug Email Phrases Missing & Review URL Submission Missing

    I have all the respective mods updated but i received my usual Sitemap Generation Report email with what seems to be some missing phrases and it also has "0" for the reviews when in fact I have several reviews listed. Below is a copy of the email.
  5. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Custom URL for Gallery

    Can we have custom Gallery URL options for dbtgallery just like we have for reviews and classifieds?
  6. C

    Legacy Multiple default slides

    I think it would be nice to have the ability to specify several "default images" and have them be use randomly per instance so that if there are a couple threads without an image it seems less redundant.
  7. HaZaRd

    vBSlider position

    Before buying the product I would like to know if it's possible to place the slider in the upper right, like the image. Thank!
  8. H

    Question Little help on how to use reviews

    I've finally gotten a chance to really work on this mod to hopefully get it to do what I want it to, but I'm obviously not understanding it completely, especially the part about instances. Let me say what I want to do and maybe someone can walk me through it. We have a bunch of threads in an...
  9. B

    Bug PHP and MySQL High I/O & Load

    We briefly tested your vBShout Lite with about 4 users and light chat and everything was fine. Over the weekend we had a large event and had approximately 12-15 users at any one time using the chat. After about 10 minutes we found that the server load skyrocketed to 25+ on a quad core system. I...
  10. K

    Bug Can't see shoutbox

    I've tried different skins but none seems to get the shoutbox to show. It's worked before I don't know why it doesn't work now because I haven't changed anything.
  11. M

    Bug Php-error

    Hi Mokonzi, Found this little error in my php-error logs. As said in another thread this might be something to do with my site, but thought I would report it :) Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /**********/forum/dbtech/classifieds_pro/hooks/notifications_list.php...
  12. M

    Bug Class VBSHOUT not found

    While looking at other items in the php-error log I found this line? I am not sure if it is a bug or not but thought it might be a good idea to report it :) Class 'VBSHOUT' not found in /**********/dbtech/vbshout_pro/hooks/pmdata_postsave_recipient.php on line 5 <?php global $vbphrase...
  13. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Listing Length Usergroup Permissions

    It would be a benefit to have usergroup permissions for listing lengths. For instance in my case I have vendors so I know they would like to have an ongoing listing (365 days) to sell items and don't want to have to re-list all the time but I don't want a new user to be able to use the same 365...
  14. C

    Question Testgallery keeps on pointing to the main gallery

    Hiya, The Pro install works nicely, thank you. We're experincing one hitch, though: We created a test instance in order to test existing album import. And no matter what we do, it keeps pointing to the default gallery. Expected Result: Defined Testgallery resolves to Testgallery, not DBTEch...
  15. C

    Question Installed Lite, but no images showing

    Hiya, I think I am doing something wrong - I can get albums, but no images to show on my site. Here are my steps: Followed instructions in readme.txt Defined a new gallery/Instance - test/testgallery Defined a catchall category - All Set new instance to active with relevant parameters. New...
  16. C

    Legacy Multiple Images from one thread

    As another feature request, it would be great to create an instance that only draws multiple images from one thread or just selected threads (maybe an option for just the first post or all posts within a single thread). I think this would be a neat way to really highlight one particular topic...
  17. C

    Question slide show instance as a forum block and/or widget

    Is there a way to deploy an instance of the slider as a forum block (and widget)?
  18. M

    Legacy DBSEO - Category Use in review URL

    Fillip H., Hi similar to the classifieds post I made. I would like to use this condition... /[instance_name]/[category_id]-[category_title]/[review_id]-[review_title].html Thanks for any help you can give on this. Mick
  19. C

    Question Not Using Attachments

    I noticed this on my test site as well but decided to ignore it... for some reason, the settings in instance management pertaining to using the first attachment don't see to work. For example this thread only has an attachment and it is displaying in the slideshow right now with the "no...
  20. C

    Bug Breadcrumb in Detached Mode

    I noticed that even when I am viewing detached instance1 chatbox, that the breadcrumb has the name of the disabled second instance of chatbox I had setup. I deleted my second instance, the breadcrumb was then correct. So it appears to mess up the breadcrumb when you have more than one instance.