
  1. C

    Bug command menu not populating editor

    The command drop down menu (for example /sticky /removesticky) is not populating the message editor like it used to prior to the vbshout 6 upgrade.
  2. IcEWoLF

    Question Font box dark

    Hi there, I need some assistance, since the update, my shoutbox font box is dark. I cannot see it. How can i fix it?
  3. GoodApples

    Question What does vBSlider pull

    I see the vBslider pulls the image form the post / blog / cms etc. Does it pull the first image or largest image etc... Does it pull attachments? What If an attachment is before the first image? What if the image is to small or low quality? angeljs Do you have an attachment before an image? :)
  4. W

    Bug Large Files Fail to Download

    Ok, one last bug report and I'm calling it a night and a week(end). I have been testing raising the limits on my server to allow for larger file sizes. Here is what I have my php.ini set to right now: Before today my max post size was 51 MB, max file upload was 50 MB, and memory limit was...
  5. W

    Bug Changing Category of not-yet-uploaded file wipes description

    This is half what I would consider a bug and half what I would consider a feature request. Basically, if you go to the file upload page, type up your description, then change the category before you upload everything you have typed in your description gets wiped. I think it has to do with the...
  6. W

    Legacy WYSIWYG/BBCode Editor for file descriptions

    This is the first of a number of individual feature requests that I have built up over time. I was asked to make them individual back when I started my list in this thread: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f80/two-downloadsii-import-issues-other-issues-5231/ This request is to allow BBCode or our...
  7. GoodApples

    Legacy Slider Image Span

    Please add the ability to change slider Image span background color/colour font size I find with a dark span and lighter images creates too much contrast. It's hard on the eyes after awhile. :cool:
  8. S

    Bug insert video problem if Forumon (Pro)1.0.7 is enabled

    Hello , If Forumon (Pro)1.0.7 is enabled we have a problem with loading the pop up for insert video >link for example when you write a new Private message or reply to a private message (i.e in "go advanced" editor). and then use the "Insert Video" the pop up where you are suppose to paste the...
  9. T

    Question setting up the vbdownload

    Hi, I am having trouble setting up the vbdownload, A message window pops up say “There are errors in the settings on this page” I was wondering what I did wrong and I am trying to look for a vbdownload manual, but couldn’t find it. Please help! Thanks terc
  10. GoodApples

    blog editor and a smiley

    Does anyone know how to put a smiley into the editor...just for blogs?
  11. R

    Bug Charge tag bug (very serious problem)

    when we use charge tag, we should turn off the search engine friendly archive. Or your charge content will show in the archive page. the plugin editor should let us know when we use it!!!!
  12. I

    Question How to add an extra tab in vbshout pro (5.4.8)

    Hi, I want to add an extra tab after the first two tabs i-e Shoutbox | Active Users | new tab for adding the link to the shoutbox rules. I have asked this before here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f29/how-add-extra-tab-vbshout-pro-235/ but those old instructions are not working with vbshout...
  13. M

    Bug foreach error on new thread / new reply

    i'm getting this wierd error i followed all instructions in readme Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/thanks/hooks/postbit_display_complete.php on line 45 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/thanks/hooks/postbit_display_complete.php...
  14. Valcav

    Something on the profile page of others...

    Hello, The following thing I first discovered on my test-site... I know that the example in the picture is extreme, but it just shows what the little problem is... Does anyone know how I/we could make it so that if it would show like that, that it shows that text on the next line... (and...
  15. G

    Question Update File Description

    Hi, I have just imported the downloadII data and now want to edit the description of some of the files. I saw a previous thread asking the same thing ( but not answer ) and that is where is the save / update button. I just want to save the description. I can change the title, but not the new...
  16. Darkwaltz4

    Latest vBArcade v1.0.0 Beta: 20

    During the beta period, changes will be pushed into a new revision. To install new or upgrade, simply download the package from the dbtech customer area again, upload the new files (overwrite) and import the product (allow overwrite and revert templates), no matter from what version you started...
  17. MudRacing

    Question Automatic email & unsibcribe link in mail

    Two questions: Can I automatically send an email when I write a new article? (How do I?) Can I insert the link in the email "[Unsubscribe]" with a text? (How do I?) Thanks
  18. Ozzy47

    Legacy Total Game Count

    I would like to see the total game count in the arcade include what games you have in the password protected categories. My arcade shows 463 games available, but it is not taking into account the 199 that are in the password protected category.
  19. Freekoid

    Legacy Edit links on games

    Trying locate one game is still a bit tedious, so some sort of extra search engine of sorts would be great.
  20. GoodApples

    Bug Image from Computer...missing?

    Image option from Computer...missing in the editor?