
  1. mrhawk

    Question don't show any like buttons

    I have installed your mod but don't display, don't work :( any suggestions please?
  2. C

    Question Needing help w/ employing this mod on my site

    I just purchased the lifetime version of DragonByte Review 1.0.7, and love the seamless integration into the Admin CP. Installation went great, but I am having some issues with employing the mod on my site. I was under the impression that I could have this mod integrated into all subforums...
  3. CharlieDelta

    Bug Email Phrases Missing & Review URL Submission Missing

    I have all the respective mods updated but i received my usual Sitemap Generation Report email with what seems to be some missing phrases and it also has "0" for the reviews when in fact I have several reviews listed. Below is a copy of the email.
  4. T

    Question Postbit missing Icon

    I have the 'Show Send Pm In Postbit?' option set to Yes however all that is displayed in the postbit is: Send PM I seem to be missing this icon
  5. C

    Question Importing Thanks from VBSEO

    As I was cleaning up old stuff from vb3, I started to delete vbseo (since I now have dbseo). Just after removing the product, it asked me about removing vbseo data from the database and I remembered that the Likes system I was using was vbseo. So I did not opt to remove the data from the...
  6. HaZaRd

    vBSlider position

    Before buying the product I would like to know if it's possible to place the slider in the upper right, like the image. Thank!
  7. Ozzy47

    Bug Undefined

    When viewing your buddylist, where it should say Notifications, it says undefined. You can see it in action on here also, http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/profile.php?do=buddylist
  8. GoodApples

    Bug Gallery Missing Image - 1.3.1

    Upload the files correctly, also CHMOD'd the /dbtech/gallery/images/upload/ folder. -- all images and thumbnails display as "Image Missing" Check permissions UserGroup Admin, allow to upload permissions Had my Host check! Still display as Image Missing Note: Under Gallery System: System...
  9. C

    Question avatar thumbnails

    Is it possible to display avatar thumbnails instead of scaled down full size avatars?
  10. R

    Question vbseo to dbseo

    Sir, I have vbseo installed over the server and I brought dbseo with a hope to migrate fully. I followed your steps of installation and changed vbseo to dbseo in .htaccess file. I disabled vbseo and enabled dbseo. However, the server load increased and the forum home url return the blank...
  11. CharlieDelta

    Bug Not All Members Display

    The only members that are showing on the map are the staff. I checked all usergroup settings and they are fine and the setting in the member map options is set to "ALL".
  12. J

    Question Changing the display of the mods.

    Hello, So I now got both products installed, vbshout and InfoPanels. The thing is that the infopanel is showing above the vbshout box, which I don't want. I want the InfoPanels block to be under the vbshout box. Is there a solution for this, and if so, how do I accomplish this? Thanks, Jordy
  13. seventhaxis

    Question Shorten Date on vbarcade_home_stat

    I'm very interested in having the date for both Latest Scores and Latest Champions (on the arcade home) shortened to just show the date. The statistics page is fine but date format on the arcade homepage is adding an unsightly extra break in the formatting due to the amount of text (i.e. January...
  14. C

    Question Problems with vbAnswers

    I have the form block form displaying and working. I noticed I have a unsolved question showing up in the what's going on box. How do I find the questions that people posted? It appears looking at the mod settings they should show up under community and quick links menus (both are ticked)...
  15. J

    Changing the display of the mods.

    Hello, So I now got both products installed, vbshout and InfoPanels. The thing is that the infopanel is showing above the vbshout box, which I don't want. I want the InfoPanels block to be under the vbshout box. Is there a solution for this, and if so, how do I accomplish this? Thanks, Jordy
  16. sharma

    Dragonbyte SEO Mod Enhancement with Following Feature

    I'm looking to develop a SEO plugin with following feature or dragonbyte SEO Mod with following features 1, Google Authorship users can enter their G+ Profile and claim Authorship and profile image will be display on google search 2, Microformat tags : Eg: Twitter Hcard,Fb opengraph,Google...
  17. M

    Bug Sitemap stopped working?

    The sitemap seems to have stopped working for my site. It was last built on January 21st? And when I click on the build sitemap section I get a vbulletin page but with nothing there... (not a white screen). I checked all permissions including chmod ownership etc... Regards Mick
  18. D

    Question How to remove the title

    Hi Guys How do I remove the title ie the green bit in the image below? I am kinder trying to get it to look as near the VBSEO one as possible :-) Thanks again Danny
  19. M

    Advertisment Mod ad on to hide it from abusers

    Just a thought I am throwing it out there, You guys are a smart group! How about being creative and by using/grabbing a IP of a user or BOT, against the site Block list (if there is one) to run it against. Create a div or span that can be capture by two events. 1. If the IP is in the BAD list...
  20. C

    Question 2 forums with page not found?

    I've got two forums that are displaying page not found. I'm stumped as to why these two would not be working and others are. Here is a link to one, the other is a non-public forum). http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/sponsor-forums/ (or its non-seo url...