
  1. cflyrun

    Question An error occurred while processing this directive

    Installed as per the instructions. Set only active users to be displayed. Then when I go to I get a white screen with: [an error occurred while processing this directive] vBulletin 4.2.1 Other Mods: Forum Category Icons Other usergroup display Mark Threads...
  2. J

    Bug Weird Code on Members page likely related to Shout

    Hi, Installed vBShout at the weekend and today a member is saying hes getting weird code when viewing the forum home page. I've attached the code as a txt file but to me it looks like some sort of programming code like java but rather than parsing its getting displayed instead of the html...
  3. F

    Bug rel="nofollow" not looking at whitelist

    I made some code changes to get the whitelist to work correctly. It looks like URL compared is the full URL instead of just the domain. It also looks like the preg_match variables are switched. The following code is working for me: dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php:5552 $url_parts =...
  4. HaZaRd

    Bug Activity Feed in the future

    My MySQL server has gone away for a short time and later is appeared this voice in the Activity Feed. DonVinc user has not write any entry in the blog. How can I delete that entry in the Activity Feed? Thank!
  5. N

    Bug Conflict with Tapatalk?

    Since installing 1.1.ob1, I get the following error with Tapatalk 4.9.1. I DISABLED the classifieds mod and the errors STOPPED! 9:24 AM (14 minutes ago) to nelson Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL...
  6. Ptah

    Bug Threadmin/UserThread Permissions Not Working?

    Hi, I don't think the product is behaving as expected under several scenarios. I'll try to break down the scenario as briefly but completely as I can. Sorry if I miss something, as such. Note: I'll only be covering the permissions that I'm actually interested in applying on my forum (ie, I...
  7. Nirjonadda

    Bug Thread Deleted with Delete Posts

    Find latest posts for user than Selected Posts for Delete, That Processing full thread deleted. please check and fix this issue urgently, our Moderators that way doing to delete all thread.
  8. T

    Question Deleting

    So I appear to have issues finding how to delete other users photos. In particular those posted directly into a Category. I am the administrator, and I have the option ticked to delete other's photos, so how can I do it? I don't see a delete box to tick or any option when I view the photo, the...
  9. T

    Legacy Image move option

    Hi love the Gallery, Can you add the option to move photos to a new album, or is there a way at present. We all have users that have by accident posted images in the wrong section, and rather than having to delete them all and re load, it would be better to be have the option to move them...
  10. C

    Question Dbtech navigation removal

    I want to remove all the instances of detech and Dragonbyte Gallery navigation from my install how do I do that?
  11. T

    Bug Bluepearl Skin Issue

    As requested. After trying the fix in previous thread relating to Bluepearl Skins: This does not solve the problem, see attached images for recent issue: Many thanks
  12. C

    Question Importing Thanks from VBSEO

    As I was cleaning up old stuff from vb3, I started to delete vbseo (since I now have dbseo). Just after removing the product, it asked me about removing vbseo data from the database and I remembered that the Likes system I was using was vbseo. So I did not opt to remove the data from the...
  13. R

    Bug Problem with DBSeo and Forum

    We used the Beta 7 version up until yesterday when we upgraded to the latest version. The upgrade seems to mess the forum up, as characters such as £ signs seem to be displayed as question mark inside a box. Also, when installed, our shoutbox doesn't run correctly, and forum blocks which we have...
  14. S

    Question Delete Images and more

    Hi there, we are thinking about buying the vbgallery system! but... on testing we are facing some serious problems... i think we can need some help! 1.) Is there any possibility to set a different image-size for the CMS-Widget. (since we don't have enough space there) 2.) The reason we want...
  15. HaZaRd

    vBSlider position

    Before buying the product I would like to know if it's possible to place the slider in the upper right, like the image. Thank!
  16. HaZaRd

    Question Same/Double Achievements Error

    My server is slow and sometimes gave the error "MySQL server has gone away". Now I have solved the problem (thanks to vBOptimise) but on those rare occasions, some achievements have been awarded several times for a single user. There are users with the same Achievements repeated for 4 times...
  17. W

    Legacy Clean Unused Files

    Hello! Today I have a request for what I HOPE is a simple feature: a button to clean up all unattached files from the server's hard drive. I host a lot of game mods, and when a newer version of those mods comes out they remove the file from the listing... but it still remains taking up space on...
  18. H

    Question Little help on how to use reviews

    I've finally gotten a chance to really work on this mod to hopefully get it to do what I want it to, but I'm obviously not understanding it completely, especially the part about instances. Let me say what I want to do and maybe someone can walk me through it. We have a bunch of threads in an...
  19. GoodApples

    Bug Gallery - Branding Free Key not working

    Branding Free key not working. It did work up until updating to 1.3.1 Also note under Gallery System: System Version 1.3.0 ...not sure if this has something to do with my issue of uploading and getting the Missing Image pic
  20. GoodApples

    Question Upload - Missing Image

    New Install other images in gallery. Uploaded image and got Missing image? General Options --> Allowed Usergroup --> Selected usergroups....Done! User Group set as Admin of Gallery Anything else I need to check? Edit: After some searching it seems to be a common problem? Uploaded an...