
  1. Mv.c9

    Using 2 Currencies

    Is it possible to use 2 currencies for VBshop? For example: Items are bought with Credits Gifts are bought with Points or any other second currency.
  2. S

    No points for admin?

    Is there a block on admins (who are uneditable) in the config file from gaining credits?
  3. War.Frog

    Currency transfer in vBShop not working

    When I try to transfer credits into my vBShop Bank, I get this error message ("Transferring of this currency has not been configured"). Where do I configure that??
  4. War.Frog

    Crazy confused...

    Alright so I have vBCredits II, vBActivity and vBShop installed. When I installed vBCredits, it appears to have taken the funds from the old vBCredits installation and brought them forward - so that's great. However...I want to use a unified currency. I've read the other posts where people...
  5. T

    Does not work

    hey there... I upgrade this from 3.x .. It worked for first day.. now it does not work.. link in navbar wont show credits counts in postbit does not show. it says in transaction that users are earning point, but no addition to their credits. I double check all the setting.. all looks okay...
  6. Darkwaltz4

    Quick Start Guide

    Generally, vBCredits II Deluxe should be easy to get started with despite its robust size. Visit the Event Manager and select the action you wish to award for from the dropdown and click Go. The form that loads will list all of the options supported by that action, the most common ones listed...
  7. N

    How to delete transactions details???

    Hi !!! When click transactions on navbar , it show a page with detail transactions with alot of (300page of transactions detail) Now , i want to delete that details , How to delete transactions ???? How to do that ??? Many thanks and wait for yours support !!! Thanks
  8. Darkwaltz4

    Recalculating Credits

    After you have set up the currencies and events the way that you are happy with, you can apply these settings retroactively to your members using the powerful recalculation features within vBCredits II. You can also apply mass updates outside of your events (such as zeroing out users...
  9. skylab

    Upgrading to vBCredits from beta

    Hey all, So I'm an old time user of vBCredits. I'm actually using vBCredits II v2.0.0b2. This was in the 'other' place. So I want to install the one you guys have here. Is there an upgrade process? Will it know? Just want to make sure before I go ahead with the LITE version.
  10. R

    Credits to savings currency conversion

    I'm Afraid this is something I am not understanding, I upgraded and previously I renamed my credits to Crackers. all the amounts transferred but I can not transfer to my savings account or vica versa please give me some guidance
  11. trieudong

    How to donate

    I'm using vBCredits II Deluxe, but i'm donate from my point to my friends. notice : " tranfering of this currency has not be configure" Please help me ! thanks to all !
  12. Mokonzi

    Bug MySQL Error

    Database Error I'm getting this error in vB 4.0.5 with the latest vbCredits Pro installed:
  13. RollaJedi

    Integration with ibProArcade??

    is there an addon/integration with ibProArcade anymore? if so, could you please point me to it. thanks!
  14. Mokonzi

    AddOn Central Bank...

    I was wondering whether we could get some sort of Central Bank system added into vbActivity. I know there is an already existing bank in vbShop, and perhaps this could be adapted to accomodate that. Users who get banned or who are inactive ought to have their points/credits confiscated into...
  15. N

    How to give credits to Blogs and CMS content?

    Hi all How to give credits to Blogs and CMS content? Thanks
  16. Darkwaltz4

    AddOn vBCredits II Deluxe API

    I built vBCredits II Deluxe to be easy to integrate, not just for myself, but for others. Integration must be done via code, so the first thing you should do is enable vBulletin debug mode and create your own product. This will turn on the full Action and Display editors. You might also want to...
  17. Darkwaltz4

    AddOn vBookie Actionset

    Just import the attached product after installing both vBCredits II Deluxe and vBookie, and it will expose the additional actions available to you and configure vBookie for use with vBCredits II Deluxe! You need to set up events to use them of course. Please keep questions/comments for this...
  18. markber

    Preserving member credits from vBCredits 1.4 when installing vBCredits II?

    Hello, Is it possible to preserve member credits from vBCredits 1.4 mod when installing vBCredits II? Thanks
  19. hachito

    Initial Setup

    Friends: I have installed the following MODS Market Point System (A shop MOD) VBCREDITS II DELUXE PRO (bought the lifetime license) VBACTIVITY PRO (I purchased the license for life) As Encounter not an instruction manual on how to configure both DragonByte mods, can you indicate what steps...
  20. C

    Integration with vbCredits

    If I buy the pro version.. Would it then integrate completely with vbCredits? As in adding transaction logs when buying stuff from the shop, winning the lottery and so on?