
  1. S

    Question Weird APC Statistic

    Please see my attachment. I use APC. The stats graph is weird.. Sometimes it dropped under 1 mill, the "normal one" is above 5 mill. My traffic is stable, so i think i have issue on my APC. What do you think?
  2. R

    Question Items Display Style - In Signature

    Hey guys, Got the shop set up and testing it out. At this time i see the item display postbit only allows me to show it below post count. I would like to move this into the signature section because I plan to use larger icons and they will not fit. I used to use Ishop and have attached a...
  3. Marcelos

    Question Show awards+achievements and custom place

    Hello. How can I show awards and Achievements on the same box? And how can I choose a custom place for them?
  4. F

    Question Post tabs in 4.2x Duplicate issues cant find in postbit

    Hi guys, I having the above issue. The Read me States: You will need to remove any vBulletin template code from postbit(_legacy) that you intend to use with Postbit Tabs, otherwise it will display multiple times. Would like guide to doing this please. Regards Luke
  5. B

    Bug User Profile Tab Bugs - Empty Pages & Randomly Sorted Imported Likes

    This is a continuation of my posts on Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v2 (vB4) [AJAX] Yes, both of those problems are happening on every single profile. I already PM'd you some links to those profiles and the login details for a test...
  6. B

    Advanced Registration Ideas

    I was requested to post these ideas here from this post at Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Advanced Registration (vB4) Email to Admin (a notification) and user (welcoming message) on new registration, with options to turn either or both off. Also. Creation of a new...
  7. F

    Question Header questions...

    I'd like to change a couple of things with the header if I can... 1- I'd like to change the "# Likes" to "# member(s) like this post" I was able to find in phrases where I can change the first part to remove the "Thanks" and to only show "Post Likes" - However I cannot find where to change...
  8. W

    Bug Wrong Nomination Count in Nomination Result

    Hi, Can you check our Nomination Results for the month of July? All Nomination Count is only "1" which is weird since I checked before the end of nomination that there should be more than 1 count. Let me know if you need any info from me. Thanks, Aner
  9. trajche

    Bug Upload action doesn't deduct/add credits

    This is exactly the same bug as the download one: but it is concerning the upload 'action'. My bug report was deleted for being a duplicate, although it contained some information on the...
  10. Trekkan

    Forum Tabs Issues

    There's no thread/forum to post these in, so I'm posting here. =) When I click any of the top tabs, they aren't using AJAX and do a full page reload. When the page reloads, I still have all of the forums listed. When I click the tab on the second row, the the page reloads via AJAX and I...
  11. Trekkan

    New mod or changes to vBA? User Modifications based on Criteria

    Maybe you can do this with an existing DBT mod (and if you can, please let me know!), but I'd like to be able to set criteria like you can in vBA, but what I'd want to do are various things like: Change the users title Increase their PM max Change the display Group Add/Remove Rep Etc...
  12. Trekkan

    Bug Thread Display includes items not available for selection

    At the bottom of each post where the buttons are listed, there is the template for showing how many thanks/likes a post has. I have a forum where I only want two buttons listed, those buttons show fine, but the above section looks like this: Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 Dislikes...
  13. Freekoid

    Question Please check this scenario..

    I came across this one yesterday but not sure if it supposed to play out like this or may be bug related or out of scope. Scenario: Create a 2 player tournament, 2 rounds, let the players confirm and begin. Give the game play a small amount of time (I did this so not to sit around waiting for...
  14. B

    vBSEO Likes Importing Script for Advanced Post Thanks / Likes

    Fillip suggested that I post this here: Yes, pleeeeeeaaaaasee add vbseo LIKES importing! I would purchase your pro version right now if it had that function. That is vbseo's #1 and #3 most requested functions: A click on "Like" improves user's reputation for 1 point Allow users to...
  15. K

    Bug Database error on Creating a new mailing list

    On attempting to set up my first mailing list I got this database error. What do I do to fix the issue? Thanks in advance! Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_vbmail_mailinglist (title, description, active, displayorder, ownerid, fromemail, external...
  16. CharlieDelta

    Bug Score not submitting on second attempt.

    We noticed an issue with scores not submitting on second attempt. After completing the first attempt the score would submit fine and your two attempt count would reduce to 1 attempt left. When you would immediately play again the score would not submit and it would still say one attempt left. We...
  17. kyle

    Question Where can we download vb post templates?

    Hi Guys! I think I have gone blind as I cant see where to download the latest version of your vb Post Templates. I searched and came across a post that said they are on So went there and in the last post on it says: You can get the newest version that works with...
  18. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Importing Current Albums and Pictures to Dragonbyte Gallery

    The ability to import current albums and pictures to the gallery is a much needed feature. My site has dozens of albums and pictures currently uploaded by members and they would give me a big pain in the arse if they had to do it again. :) We also discussed testing this over here. :)
  19. CharlieDelta

    Likes Not Showing in User Profile

    I received an email notification today but it is not showing in my profile here. Email received;
  20. CharlieDelta

    Bug Click Count Not Showing in Thanks Bar

    Total click count is not displaying in the thanks bar. I uninstalled and re-installed the product and the same result. Display option is set to yes in the admincp. Also, are email alerts a pro only feature?