
  1. C

    Can you make some more pre-made graphics for the "Awards & Achievements"?

    Can you make some more pre-made graphics for the "Awards & Achievements"? Hi, Is it possible for you to create some more graphics for the Awards and achievements and sell it to us as a product? I'd like to have achievements that reaches 100k. lol.;)
  2. V

    Question Help

    Hello, I want to change background colors. Please see following image and help me that how I can change them (if changing of colors is possible).
  3. S

    Legacy Getting the status and moods background to work with the profile editor

    I was wonder if there was something I could edit to get the mood/status background to flow with the rest of the profile editor. It’s kinda weird changing the background only to see the that the original color stays :(
  4. K

    Question Change the Tabs Colors (cant read)

    Best Shoutbox Ever! So many options!!! Only issue I am having is changing the Tabs Background color or Link color. Its very hard to read Thanks!
  5. kevin-kun

    Pre sales question.

    Hello, I've got a few questions that i'd like to ask before purchasing the pro (version) [unless what I need is already in the lite version] Q1 - For vBactivity, I was wondering if it was possible to disable all the use of points... (because i'd like to use points for vbshop) & only show the...
  6. S

    Breeding Problem

    When breeding completes and a user clicks on the view button to see the results an error pops up and the resulting offspring has all 1's for stats. Also, the game allows breeding using the same monster as both mom and dad? Error: string(5) "title" string(11) "description" string(5) "parts"...
  7. M

    Invalid SQL when Creating Starter Monster

    Random Question :D I'm getting an error when i'm creating a starter monster Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_forumon_startermonster (title, description, active, parts, colors, stats, speciesid, dateline) VALUES ('Warstone', 'A common monster stone', '1'...
  8. Alisa Lindsay

    Text Area Input Form Color vs. Post Form Input Area Color - Help Me Please!

    Good Morning, I have searched and tried to fix my issue via some of the information found in threads on this forum... However - Yes, it's me, the Technical Village Idiot! Back with questions or to beg for help. I have vBShout Pro installed on 3 forums (bought 2, the 3rd was given to me as a...
  9. S

    Usergroup colors

    Hi, The group colors doesn't seem to be working for me :/ Screen shot:
  10. I

    Disabling Smilies

    How do you disable smilies completely? I got rid of the smileys button, but if people manually type the smiley out it shows up. I also disabled basic bbcode.. The reason I want to get rid of it.. is because Firefox cannot process the smileys properly.. and people end up having to scroll down one...
  11. S

    Group colors not working?

    Hi, Please see the screen shot below for reference. I don't understand why the members are in the default skin color, and the the group color..
  12. Trekkan

    Alpha 3 issues/suggestions

    When creating the monster, a color chart to choose basic colors from would be good. Most people have no idea what a HEX color is. Put the monster your building in a more viewable area while building. I didn't realize it was actually putting it together until I got to the bottom. Not too big...
  13. Fillip H.

    Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation!

    Not to let you down on a friday night, we've once again wiped monsters in order to prepare for the next iteration of our development: Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation! You are now no longer limited to choosing a set monster and that's that, the advanced monster creation will now let you...
  14. DragonByte Technologies

    Back-End updates

    Just got the monster creation system installed in the ACP. so far so good. Hopefully i'll be able to tweak it and have a vid for you guys tomorrow (time permitting) meantime, those of you who are curious how they will look, can check here: feel free to change the number at the end upwards...
  15. W

    Request: Easier access to shoutbox commands

    This is probably a stupid request and I am missing something obvious, but I can't for the life of me find a list of commands for the shoutbox. I want to request two things: 1- An extra page in the adminCP that just lists the shoutbox commands and what they do. 2- Admin options in the shoutbox...
  16. cykelmyggen

    Username in colors

    How is this Item suppose to work. I have a couple of users who have bought this Item, complaining it doesn't work. Ara you supposed to do something in connection to the transaction?
  17. Dutch_Boy

    Problem with text color.

    I hope you guys dont mind i put this on your forum. The mods on vbulletin forum are so damn slow :@ Dont want this on your forum? Delete it and plz PM me :) Hello, I got a strange problem when...
  18. Munkii

    AddOn Importers

    Points Market: The vB4 modification. An importer for currently purchased items wouldn't be a bad idea. For example, Username/Usertitle Colors, etc~ iShop: An importer to convert iShop items to Gifts, aswell as the items members have already purchased. This would help many 3.x users, as my forum...
  19. N

    Changing colors via hex?

    I was wondering if there was a way to change text color in the sb via hex instead of using the basic colors?
  20. P

    Greetings my children

    I found this site from a mass email sent by DarkWaltz... Kind young lad. He explained the situation very in-depth, which I appreciated. As a person who's also had to deal with some horrible administrators in the past I feel for his loss. It is truly hard leaving one site for another, but for the...