
  1. GoodApples

    Question Change Custom Nav Tab Colours

    Where can I change the Custom Nav Tab colours without changing my main nav colours?
  2. V

    Legacy Classifieds: I think you need to add

    1. Really need to when creating new Listings so like "give free" and "I sell, bid / offer price," as it is realized in Christeris Classifieds. When you publish a new Item, you need: - Sale with a price (Normal, Classifieds 1.0.10 Beta)) - Sale without the price (do not know how to ask for...
  3. CharlieDelta

    Bug Edit View is Not Saving

    I am trying to add some additional information to one of my tabs and when I hit save I have the phrase confirming the successful edit but it does not actually save.
  4. M

    Bug Latest News

    Latest News not displayed in VB3 VB4 - ok in xml VB4 there is <template name="dbtech_infopanels_newsticker" templatetype="template" date="1357496685" username="Fillip H." version="2.0.6"><![CDATA[<b>{vb:rawphrase dbtech_infopanels_news_ticker}:</b> <span id="dbtech_infopanels_bar">{vb:raw...
  5. Clarice

    Bug Tabs not notifying of new Shouts

    Hey guys, back again with another issue... hoping this one will be easier than the last! For the longest time, when users would switch to a non-default tab in the shoutbox and post a shout there, the tab would "light up" (change color), and other users could know there was someone talking...
  6. Sarab

    Bug Error when trying to upload xml

    Hello, When trying to import the Achievement Pack: Ultimate I receive the following error: A required field called typeid is missing or has an invalid value. This my third thread asking for you support this month, while two of them didn't get the help I asked, I hope this one will get real...
  7. V

    Bug Incorrect - bad result

    Hi, Results Table --> Date Taken User Name Incorrect Correct Percentage/Score Incorrect indicates a bad result? Shows how much all the answers in the quiz - for example... Quiz consists of three questions. Each answer has four options. If you answer correctly the result should be like this...
  8. S

    Question How do i change the

    How do i change the color of the sticky bar from gray to white? I cannot find where to change this?
  9. Sarab

    Bug Upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.3.1

    Hello, I just upgrade it and every element on the navbar disappear, So I went to the nav menu in admin panel and found them still there, so I click save and they re-appear, but every sub menu I added myself disappear ="( anyway my sub menu color is of the main menu became, how to give them...
  10. Morrus

    Bug Database error

    Installed OK. Went to give myself ability to view the downloads area and got the following database error. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `title` = 'Administrators', `description` = '', `usertitle`...
  11. webi

    Bug Incorrect order of category names

    Hi Fillip H., Our category names are displayed in the wrong order. Correct order would be Greetings
  12. angeljs

    Bug Broken smiley image links

    After performing some maintenance on my site, I noticed that all the smiley links are now broken. The links look like this: /sims/ I've checked and re-checked the database and the links for the smileys are all correct.
  13. CharlieDelta

    Bug Buy Now URL Error

    When clicking the "Buy Now" link on a for sale item, the URL or link is wrong. It seems to have an extra "dbt" inserted as well as no listing id??
  14. S

    Question vBCreditsII Integration

    how to add vBCreditsII in vbdownloads? i can't see vbdowloads in vbcredits Events.thanks!
  15. Q

    Question Button Colour settings?

    In the "post color configuration" for the buttons there are 5 options. I have set threshold for 1 click to green and in the next option for 2 clicks to red. My guess might be wrong but I was thinking the color from the post would be green when it was clicked once and when it got 2 clicks the...
  16. S

    Bug Warning: Non-static method

    Hello, I just upgraded our forum to the new VB Version 4.2.2 and get this error message on top of the forum page and on the admin cp After i disabled this mod is still shown on the forum index page. The installed version of this mod is 1.3.6 PL2 Many Thanks! sven
  17. CharlieDelta

    Bug Width and Block Font Color Issue - Styling

    I am having a block font color issue when viewing a listing as well as a width issue on my custom DBT skin. Is it also possible to auto adjust imported image sizes?
  18. Aljuve

    Bug How can i put date for every Shout

    hi i want to put date for every shout , When you look to this Shouts : i want to put date for every shout like that : [27-9-2013, 14:23] : Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla ... [27-9-2013, 18:48] : Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla...
  19. angeljs

    Question Which template to edit?

    Please can you tell me which template to edit that shows the member's awards in their profile so I can take away the 'Award earned on' tezt? Cheers. :)
  20. L

    Bug Admin Control Panel

    I recently got wiped out. Had to put in a fresh install of vb went from 4.1.12 to 4.2.1 and used a backup to restore the forum. I have vbactivity plus thanks and vbshop which were installed and running fine prior to the loss. I re-uploaded all files for these programs and re-installed them...