
  1. GoodApples

    Bug Delete Image issues

    The check box for delete is misplaced and can not delete images. do=edit_image
  2. GoodApples

    Bug Watermark Location

    Watermark Location: center This is not working for me...anyone else try this out. Settings: Text, Dynamic, Center Top and Bottom work for me.
  3. IcEWoLF

    Bug Image Quality

    Yes, it does work. I noticed when uploading the images, we are losing the image quality, it seems to be a bit worse.
  4. GgAcE

    Bug Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_file_path

    Issue: after clicking on uploaded image, fatal error is received. Reproduction percent: 100% Reproduction steps: Add appropriate album Select appropriate album Create image(s) in album After images are uploaded, click the applicable image After clicking image, error should occur
  5. D

    Bug German umlauts not showing properly

    Dear all, I have currently purchased and installed this product and having issues with German umlauts. The ö,ä,ü,ß are showing up as Chat-text, no issue there, but in the sticky, in the users-name and in commands (like close = Schließen) its showing as "?"-charakter. Can you please help to fix...
  6. djFarsang

    Bug There are no Block Type of Sidebar when Add new block

    I want to show vBNominate in Forum Block but there are no Block Type of Sidebar when clicked at Add new block.
  7. twolegit

    fix database error

    Hey guys i just started to notice these database errors and wonder if you know how to fix it? Database error in vBulletin : mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: User twolegit_vb1 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections...
  8. Taurus

    Bug Hover issue

    I am not sure whether this is a bug, or something because I moved hosts. But previously when You hovered over the little image in the postbit (The image a winning member received) a little tooltip would popup stating what the image is for, like Theme of the month, or so. But now after the move...
  9. angeljs

    Bug Chat causing blank page around forums

    After installing this product I was faced with completely blank pages around the forums. Here's the error message in my log: [20-Apr-2012 07:48:50] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/******/public_html/sims/dbtech/vbshout/includes/class_core.php on...
  10. webrunner

    Bug Several problems in vBShout

    Hi, I have several problems in my vBShout installation. It is the latest (lite) version. 1. I don't see the reports tab so reported shouts end up in a black hole 2. The menu in the adminCP looks weird, several menu items are showing up twice 3. Notifications inside admincp show blank box, no...
  11. T

    Bug Clicking on credits does not cause a popup

    After editing default credit, credit edit popup no longer work When I click on a user's credit (the one that leads to credits.php), a popup does not show up (or the credits.php throws a 500 at me) after I deleted the original credit vBCredits imported. Even if I don't delete it and instead...
  12. Dolphers

    Question vBshout causing performance issues to host

    I currently run a pro version of vBshout that I bought the lifetime subscription to on my vBulletin board hosted by Recently they have taken down my board as a violation of their TOS due to performance issues stemming from the vbshout.php script from the shoutbox that I've...
  13. C

    Bug vbshout 6 upgrade

    Just tried to upgrade vbshout to 6 and it brought the site forum down. The following error is in the error log: [17-Jan-2012 11:32:56] PHP Fatal error: Class 'VBSHOUT' not found in /home/captiver/public_html/forum/dbtech/vbshout/hooks/process_templates_complete.php on line 17 Any suggestions?
  14. H

    Question Database error when Adding New Item in vbshop 2.2.4

    I'm using vb shop 2.2.2 with vb credits 2.0 When I adding new item: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.9: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_vbshop_item (title, categoryid, description, displayorder, icon, shopicon, giftable, onlygiftable, giftpm, uniqueitem, duration, reconfigure, regift, code...
  15. S

    Bug Database issue

    vbactivity.php?do=leaderboards Database error in vBulletin 4.1.9: Invalid SQL: SELECT totalpoints AS value, 21 AS typeid, user.userid, username, user.usergroupid, infractiongroupid, displaygroupid FROM dbtech_vbactivity_points AS points LEFT JOIN user AS user...
  16. 2

    Bug Fatal error!

    When I installed this mod a error came up when I went to go to the shop Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: VBSHOP::$isPro in /home/clown211/public_html/vbtest/vbshop.php on line 257 Can someone help me?
  17. Replicators

    Bug Mysql Error on installing of product

    When i tried installing the .xml i recieve a mysql error Database error in vBulletin 4.1.9: Invalid SQL: UPDATE sf_language SET title = title, phrasegroup_global = 'a:1425:{s:9:\"1_day_ago\";s:9:\"1 Day Ago\";s:10:\"1_hour_ago\";s:10:\"1 Hour Ago\";s:12:\"1_minute_ago\";s:12:\"1 Minute...
  18. GoodApples

    Question Tab Settings

    I seem to be at a lost here. I do not have it or I am just looking in the wrong area. I could not find I did a re-stall and it's still not there. How do I get to the tab settings? I have the main settings but do not appear to have the tab settings on version 1.0.5
  19. djFarsang

    Bug Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument

    There are warning when Recalculate Points and selected some item at Excluded Forums. Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php on line 1243 Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second...
  20. meijin

    Bug Site totally hosed when I installed this mod

    Today I downloaded and installed 2.0.2 of this mod on my 3.8.7 forum, which had been running fine. Now my site is totally hosed and I cannot get into it at all. Here is the error I get at the top of the page: Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in...