
  1. Bassinurface

    Legacy Banner

    I think it would be nice to be able to add like a "Banner" on top of the e-mail. Like "Master Assassins New's". I have tried to input in HTML and or bbcode, and an image will show, but you can't be using a program (outlook). you must access the e-mail from the provider. Hope this makes sense.
  2. Freekoid

    Question Please check this scenario..

    I came across this one yesterday but not sure if it supposed to play out like this or may be bug related or out of scope. Scenario: Create a 2 player tournament, 2 rounds, let the players confirm and begin. Give the game play a small amount of time (I did this so not to sit around waiting for...
  3. F

    Question New avatars doesn't save after i purchase the parts

    Hi guys, I already put new parts and i could see all of them, i purchased them, weared them, but when i press save nothing happens. If you want to check you have my info already Regards
  4. C

    Question Trying to fix a broke notifications link to New post Thanks / Likes Alerts

    So when there's a notification that pops up telling a user that someone has liked a post that they have posted I get a broken link and Server Not Found - Firefox can't find the server at*****.comthanks.php Now the problem is just a missing / after the .com where is the file that I can...
  5. Taurus

    Question How to fix the forum block headers?

    I was not exactly sure where to post this, as it affects all dbtech's forum blocks. So please forgive me for hassling you with this Ozzy. But if you look at my screenshot you will see that also the donate block seems not to have the correct header. Is there an easy way for me to fix it, so it...
  6. W

    4.2 Secondary Navbar Sublinks Display Area

    Ok, so after looking at the default theme I realized what is wrong: The sublinks ARE now showing up in the "correct" location if an item is in the secondary navbar, the problem is that the correct location is just below the secondary navbar and not the primary one, if that makes sense. I can see...
  7. C

    Question Currency menu lost after 4.2 install

    As the title says, the Currency menu is missing after installing 4.2.0. I understand the new Navigation Manager is the most likely cause. How do I get the menu back? It's more than a regular menu item, so it can't actually be added via the Navigation Manager. When I posted this I was working...
  8. Mokonzi

    Bug Global Score Not Showing on Website

    Even though global scores are being submitted, at least my user account on my site isn't showing me as having a score registered at DBTech's global listing.
  9. Trekkan

    Broken Image/href 404 on product page

    This page: Random Questions - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons has a broken image to The download is broken as well. Not sure what its supposed to go to.
  10. GoodApples

    Legacy Gallery Forum Block Permissions

    Add Gallery Images Block Usergroup Permissions on who can view the block.
  11. L

    Bug Since update to vb 4.2 no scores working

    Hi, since i Updated my forum to Version 4.2 there no scores are submitted now. The settings are correct and the .htaccess is the same. If i try to submit a new score then i see only a white page (where the game was) or i see for a few seconds the index.php in the game frame and then the...
  12. MrBennet

    A few questions

    Hey! To start with, sorry for my nondescript title. I have a few things that I would like to fix with the DBtech - Post thanks mod. 1. In the widget on the right side of: Forum - Tränasmart I would like to display most thanked members. How to do that? 2. The "Post Thanks / Like" when you read...
  13. M

    Bug DBTech - Post Thanks > Search does not work

    Hi, something is wrong with the pagination on "DBTech - Post Thanks > Search". First page displays correctly, but when I hit on Next Page or Last Page button I get an empty frame. The search is not a very importat feature, but I'm afraid something else might be broken. No errors are displayed...
  14. W

    Showing Reps in Thanks Like hack in the profile

    guys why dont you add the feature to show the total reps received using likes and reps given through likes in the profile of the member under Post Thanks / like Tab?
  15. IcEWoLF

    So how many DBTech Pro Mods do you currently own?

    So, how many Dbtech pro mods do you currently own? I myself own 7+ and using every single one of them because DBTech is amazing at keeping every single one of their products up to date!
  16. Nirjonadda

    Bug Unicode fonts not working

    Unicode fonts not working ... Support Please.Need help about Unicode font. Is ok when i save the text with unicode font. But when i reload the page the texts are broken.
  17. Sunka

    Bug Click on button means click on images in posts too

    I have Image Resizer - Using nCode Script mod installed, and that mod resize images in posts, but after I install new version of your Thanks/Like Mod, somewhere javascript (I think) figth between Thanks mod and image resize mod. Images have bar on the top, and when you click on bar, image...
  18. M

    Bug White Screen Issues

    I am using this to report two similar issues with vBDownloads 1.3.5, as updated by Dylan today. The first and more urgent issue is that when I click the Upload File button, I get a white screen. You can see the above here (vB 4.1.12 PL1): The Mac Forum The second doesn't matter to me since...
  19. Z

    Bug Unable to adjust image size and disable message bar

    We have been unable to find the location to adjust image display size for images being displayed in the slider. AS you can see from the images I attached above shows how images are being displayed pulled from the set forum. The slider has to have some control over the size of the image otherwise...
  20. W

    Broken Download File

    I get corruption errors when trying to extract with 7zip. Specifically, it says that the /avatars/index.html and /avatars/thumbs/index.html are broken. Additionally, I have problems when I try to open the PSDs in photoshop. background.psd gives me "Could not complete your request because an...