
  1. Alan_SP

    Bug Strange bug with mentions and Paul M's Double Post Prevention mod

    Just to report it, you probably wouldn't try to resolve this, but here's the report. When user is mentioned as a first thing in a post, and when it is double post (vB4.1.12 and latest version of Paul M's mod for vB4.1.12), mention doesn't work. It doesn't get parsed. But, if it is after some...
  2. C

    Bug Profile Tabs not showing post link

    Instead of the link it is showing Title Also how do i increase the preview limit of the mention/quote.
  3. P

    Question How to add 'Charge Tag BBcode

    hello how to add charge tag bbcode in 'BB Code Manager' ? and this support vb3.8?
  4. Nirjonadda

    Implement of Advanced Post Thanks / Like

    Hello Does work Advanced Post Thanks / Like work with vFCoders - Hide Hack v4 ? Can you add option work with vFCoders - Hide Hack v4 ? please try to Integration or Implement !
  5. H

    Bug Found A New Bug in The Mention System

    Hey guys, got a weird bug and if wondering if it can be addressed. Since the hash used to mention a member is username, we found a bug while using CODE bbcode on the forum. We tried pasting this in CODE for a table: And it instantly pegged that DB and made it hang. I remember a few versions...
  6. Drahnier

    Legacy Perms for custom BBcodes

    while this is excellent I would love to be able to change the perms for custom BBcodes on a case by case basis, for example I want users to be able to use my strikethrough BBcode but not my Marquee BBcode in the shoutbox any way to do this?
  7. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Live Feed page Images Popping out!

    Using vBulletin version 4.2.0 Patch level 3 Feed image width not set... I noticed maybe since the latest update of vBulletin the images are poping out from the sides of the theme/Style Live Feed - The Hybrid Gamers Zone Should I download something that controls the image width or...
  8. P

    [add-on] view hidden bbcode with Vbcredits points

    Hello can you made some add-on for hidden text in post? i mean ,members can click to view hidden text or link and spend they points? thanks :)
  9. S

    Bug BBCode issue

    Hi, Why some BBCode show as a code in the wall? this make the page look ugly :-)
  10. S

    Bug Vbulletin wall formatting and bugs

    Posted on the forums but was told to post here. Anyway, I'm having a few problems. Having this problem where if a post comes in live instead of using ' ' marks it displays the whole quote box. If I refresh it's fine: Another issue, seems to have trouble with url's in quotes: Also...
  11. D

    Where can i find this BBC, using on this site here?

    Hello! Where can i find this BB-Codes, what you are using here on in you Editor. Show picture please... Thank you! D.
  12. Force

    Question Miscellaneous Options:

    You know the Require options like Require Thanks to see content I find these don't seem to work I make a post click these options post the post login with my other account and nothing i don't have to click anything I still all content in the post even attachments if I decide to hide that as...
  13. Drahnier

    Bug Smiley input box needs char check

    The smiley item prefix for the shop shop does not require anything to be input into the "text to replace" field. This creates a BBcode defined as any space, which repeats on either side of each character typed. This essentially broke our forum's shoutbox; when a user did this, every post was...
  14. W

    Bug Editing File Description Removes all Line Breaks

    This is somewhat urgent, as I've just launched this on my live site. It turns out that whenever someone edits the description of their file it removes ALL line breaks, mooshing everything into a single paragraph. I use the BBCode editor on my site, if that makes a difference.
  15. jluerken

    Bug Using a post template will insert HTML code and make the template system unuseable

    Hi Developers, adding and editing a post template works like it should but as soon as I want to use it it is full of HTML code. I've checked your forum and have seen that I am not the only one with this issue. I tried the solutions in the other tickets but that does not work for me. I removed...
  16. GoodApples

    [Editor] Insert Image bbcode

    If you have never noticed before...there have been many post in forums about inserting images inline and having the image display while posting. Currently in 4.2.0 the Image will not display while posting after the Enter key is pressed, moving to the next line to post the image. It has recently...
  17. BrianC

    Legacy User Wall and Live Feed Configuration

    Two Questions: 1. Is it possible for the LiveFeed to show the actual images that are posted throughout the site? It appears as though a link appears to the actual image. I would like to see the actual image in the Feed similar to the Vbulletin Site Activity or What's New page. 2. Can the...
  18. Tornike55

    Tabs BBCODE

    WoWHead.Com Hello DragonByte Administrator & Moderator Group, i have one idea :) can create tabs bbcode please check wowhead link and find news tabs is very good vbulletin don't have please check, sorry my eng is not good :(
  19. F

    Legacy More things I'd like: Make the shop pretty!

    Some things to make the shop more unique and easier on the eyes: Category banner images / descriptions. When you switch tabs, it would be nice to see a banner/description of the selected category in the white space above the tabs. Allow HTML or BBcode in descriptions. Plain text is just...
  20. bszopi

    Legacy vBSlider v3.0 Beta 2 Feedback Thread

    Ozzy47, GoodApples, glagrow, Webbstre, CoZmicShReddeR, San, IcEWoLF, Trekkan, steris56 Ok guys, I just wanted to start this thread to see how testing is going on v3, get some feedback from you guys, and also give you an update on what I am currently working on for Beta 3. First off, I...