
  1. B

    Question Need help with slider

    For few days ago just purchased Vbslider Pro and can not get to show that on my test site (Forumhome page)...have tried all lucky ..need some help? Made some custom content...put some images results! regards bosss
  2. Batskes

    New Thread Template/Pre Defined Threads

    Hey all. I've been a vB user for a while and I can remember on 3.8 there was a plugin that had it's own settings menu to create a pre defined thread in a particular forum. So when a user clicks "Post New Thread" when they get to their post page, there is already text in the input area (where I'm...
  3. Sarab

    Bug Hash tag bug

    Hello, There is a problem when we use #hashtag #If_we use them without the default alignment they don't work ="( How can we fix it =")? Best Regads, Sarab
  4. Sarab

    Question bbcode

    Hello, I want to ask, the bbcode for "VBSLI" did you remove it from the mod? Best regards, Sarab
  5. Mommaoz

    Question side block formatting???

    I love User Spotlight and we are using it to recognize various members of our forums we call Sistas of the week so it's PERFECT... except.... I have 2 trivial formatting type questions... (1) one of the things we want to show is the link to their article - we created a custom profile field to...
  6. Unfolded

    Question [Question] User has just replied to the thread

    In vBshout when a user replies to a thread, some have a link and some dont. Why is this and how can it be changed
  7. D

    Legacy How do I use HTML on the description?

    Is this possible?
  8. W

    Question Charge option to work in Mobile version

    Charge option to work on Mobile version Good day! How mobile version(Dartho) users use the credit system. I need it badly. What is the option to activate it for mobile. Thanks.
  9. fly

    Question How do I use @ tagging when a username has a space in it?

    I didn't see this in the manual. I'm assuming that I can use the BBCode, but if one was too lazy... Can it be done with the @ tag? Edit: I'm very sorry. I tried it and I thought it hadn't worked. But it obviously does.
  10. hakkuo23

    Bug Doesn't Work At All

    In UserCP when editing the tabs: TypeError: b.curCSS is not a function Line 12 Also in UserCP, the moderation tab on the right is completely messed up.
  11. Freekoid

    Legacy Stop images appearing in wall

    Can we stop images appearing in the forum block? Maybe some kind of BB parse?!
  12. N

    Question Implementing on CMS

    I just bought vBShout. Could you help me implementing it somehow on my CMS Home? I've read the threads on this, but I just can't find the Shoutbox Deployment you guys were talking about. Yes, I admit it, I'm a noob. I couldn't find those script inclusions either, so I really need some help on...
  13. O

    which mods?

    Hi, In the attached photo you have the following functions in your posting form: Wrap [h] tags around selected texts Wrap [vbslider] tags around selected texts Wrap [hide] tags around selected texts Wrap [charge] tags around selected texts Can you please tell me as to which Dbtech mod(s0...
  14. C

    Bug Weird error in admin panel

    My server just upgraded their PHP to 5.3.19.... and I am getting this weird error when navigating your product in my admin panel
  15. craig1985

    Question Notifications as Links?

    Hi guys we have the Lite version installed and everything working good but I was just wondering about something. Any time the Administrator posts a reply or starts a new topic, the notifications on the shoutbox appear as link but whenever anyone else posts it is just showing as text. Is there...
  16. Alan_SP

    Bug Problems with parsing mentions, sometimes it doesn't work

    This is a strange bug (it means, it doesn't happen all the time, at least I couldn't notice it all the time, still not sure how to repeat it every time). It looks a bit like this bug and probably they are actually the same thing...
  17. S

    vb optimise description is not formatted well

    See this url vB Optimise - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons on the "Complete Feature List", some "list" bbcode is missing.
  18. F

    Question How do I get this working with the mobile template?

    What steps do I need to take to get this working in the VB 4.2 Mobile Template please? It doesn't seem to work as standard, for me at least. Thanks.
  19. GoodApples

    Legacy Play Nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger

    I would like to request Thanks / Like play nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger Most of the issues that I have noticed so far are when using Above and Below Signature and requiring Hide...maybe bbcode in general. Yeah this is a request but to me it just a bug. ;) Besides this might be a good...
  20. S

    Question Hide doesnt work?

    I installed Advanced post thanks like,and when i go to a post nothing is hidden,Am i doing something wrong? Default Button: Content If yes, clicking this button will be required to see content between [HIDE] tags when making a post from Quick Reply. <-- Set to yes.