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I know this is a biggie, but a very much needed addition to my site at least.

Basically a type of Tube mod that:

  • Allows users to upload their own personal videos
  • Converts uploaded videos to a single type for playing
  • Watermarks the video playback
  • Can choose where the placement of watermark/logo will go
  • Uploaded videos are displayed on a tabbed page similar to youtube or any other tube site
  • Thumbnail's of uploaded videos can be chosen by the member. The script can select a few frames from the video as choices. perhaps the firs, middle and last frame.
  • Uploaded videos also show in a tabbed section of the respective users vBulletin profile.
  • Rating system for each video
  • Comment section for each video
  • Auto start a thread for each new video uploaded in predefined forum admin selects in ACP
  • Admin can choose to moderate each upload prior to live posting or not. Admin gets an email automatically when a video has been uploaded and requires moderation.
  • Add categories
  • Can be sorted by date, member, category, title etc
  • Members are emailed when their video is posted
  • Members are emailed if their video has been denied after moderation
  • Play HD video
  • Admin can set size limit based on usergroup permission
  • Members can set videos to "private" and allow only users they choose to view it. Admin can view any video. Other members who are not listed as able to view it will see a private video graphic of some kind and not the thumbnail image of the first frame.
  • When a thumbnail is clicked the player actually shows up in a lightbox over the screen. The lightbox would have the ratings and comment section added underneath.
  • When the above lightbox player opens we can see the avatars of all the members who rated the video in a panel under the rating stars.
These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure we can all add to the functionality of this.

I do know this is a big one and I do know there are other mods out there that do similar, but in all honesty they fall short on different levels depending on the script/company. Mostly their support is garbage and getting answers and a really good working product takes many steps.

I've come to find you guys run a professional tight ship and trust that you would do a fantastic job with this.
It's an interesting product, but the problem is it would be a very large project, with a ton of support time logged because of the issues with different file formats, conversions, licenses for codecs and convertors etc... For it to be worthwhile it would have to be extremely expensive. To be honest unless someone comes along and pays for this to be done as a custom mod that we retain the rights to later, it's unlikely we'll do it. Big project and small market aren't a good combination.
I understand Cosmic. I'm using one now that works for the most part. But I see plenty of room for improvement. Unfortunately they're not as diligent in their support as you guys are.

Who knows, maybe one day my site will grow enough that I can afford to pay you outright for a special mod like this. I should have such a problem huh? lol

Thanks Cosmic.
To be honest the request is very similar to vbtube and although not a dbt product,it is pretty well supported and the pro version is an excellent addon.

Sent from my iPhone,no rest for the wicked.
Hi Skol,

Yes, that's the one I'm using. While it does have a lot of the functionality (not all that I would like) I haven't found the support to be satisfactory. s7v7n seems to this part time and I've had some frustrations getting things answered or done.
Well dbt is not a support forum for any others mods, only their own obviously. And I would imagine it's pretty hardwork to give support or answers when you're on your own so to speak..
I doubt vbtube will ever be beaten in it's context and for others to have ago wouldn't be viable..

Stick with your requests on vbtube,If he takes them further thats a bonus.If not, you're still getting what you paid for...;)
I never asked DBT to give support for vbtube or any other mods. Just asked if they would consider doing a similar mod.

Cosmic already answered that for me. But thank you for your concern.
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