Question Fix 500 error

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I am getting 500 errors on some of the threads and a few of the posts are just redirecting to the main page. It's defiantly something we broke, somewhere down the line. Any help would be much appreciated!

I'm only seeing one error in the error log.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function voku\helper\iconv() in /home/***/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/portable-utf8/voku/helper/UTF8.php on line 455
I'm only seeing one error in the error log.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function voku\helper\iconv() in /home/***/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/portable-utf8/voku/helper/UTF8.php on line 455

You need iconv PHP module :)

Yeah, it's definitely recommended to install iconv and mbstring into your PHP (very easy to do if you are on a dedicated or VPS server with cPanel / WHM). That will ensure everything works as intended :)
Yeah, it's definitely recommended to install iconv and mbstring into your PHP (very easy to do if you are on a dedicated or VPS server with cPanel / WHM). That will ensure everything works as intended :)

Awesome! Thank you. I have installed those two plugins and everything is working in terms of the white pages. However, I am now noticing that more and more threads are redirecting to the homepage. Do you have any ideas?
Do you have your custom 404 handler set up to redirect to home page?

currently I do. It also seems like something with non-latin characters or numbers.

So I have changed it to either of these settings to no avail.

Remove Non-Latin Characters
Replace Non-Latin Characters
Have you changed any other settings recently, such as the UTF-8 settings?

I have look over all the settings we have. It appears they are all the same as they were. We've always had small issues here or there. Now it seems like close to 1/9th of all threads new and existing are redirecting to the index page. What would be causing the 404?
Can you please show me the contents of all your .htaccess files from the top down (e.g. if you have your forum in a subfolder, the root .htaccess file will also affect the subfolder one)?
Htaccess in the root folders. This is the only htacess we've ever messed with (at least intentionally).

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Sorry I should have been more clear too, I mean the vB CMS in the root folder, but if you're using WP then that doesn't apply.

Can you remove the DBSEO htaccess entries from root and put them in the forums folder one instead, and see if that works for you?
Sorry I should have been more clear too, I mean the vB CMS in the root folder, but if you're using WP then that doesn't apply.

Can you remove the DBSEO htaccess entries from root and put them in the forums folder one instead, and see if that works for you?

Just to double check. This Htaccess that I posted is located at in the root of the forums. -- you would like me to remove the DBSEO part of that htaccess?
Oh, I thought that .htaccess was the root of the site.

Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues.

The same applies to AdminCP accounts; they should ideally be temporary accounts created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorised user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the FTP account has access to the forum files, and that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it :D
Oh, I thought that .htaccess was the root of the site.

Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues.

The same applies to AdminCP accounts; they should ideally be temporary accounts created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorised user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the FTP account has access to the forum files, and that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it :D

Just to double check I've done everything correctly -- not trying to rush. Did you get everything you needed?
I removed the Forum Component URL from the settings, as well as changed the /forums/.htaccess file a little and that appears to have resolved the issue. Can you confirm?
I removed the Forum Component URL from the settings, as well as changed the /forums/.htaccess file a little and that appears to have resolved the issue. Can you confirm?

Is it going to fix previously broken URL's? If it is, it doesn't work. If its only for newer threads -- I think it has.
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