Another crazy idea: Logo rotator (logo changer at certain dates)


Hello again,

I have another crazy idea...

There is a mod called Logo Rotator.
But I believe that the logo changes every x seconds/minutes or on every refresh.

But what I'm thinking of is having certain logo's for certain time of the year...
Like we just had Christmas, in a few days New Year, etc.
So normally it always shows the main Logo, but (lets say) 2 days before Christmas, it changes it into the logo created for Christmas and that will show until 2 days after Christmas (so on 23,24,25,26,27 December).
My first thought was to set 1 date for Christmas (25th) and that it auto adds 2 days before & 2 days after that date to show that logo. But now I just changed my mind to you pick a start date and an end date (for periods that are more then just 1 date (New Years Eve & New Year (and for in case just 1 logo is made to have Christmas & New Year together in the logo)).

I'm not sure how possible this is,
but like I said,
It's just another crazy idea that just popped into my head...

Friendly greetings,
Something we've actually discussed before, but for some reason it wasn't on the to-do list. Fixed that now ^.^