Legacy Whose Online Page Link Error

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When people view the "whose online" pages and there are people browsing the reviews the page links don't show properly. They show as broken URL's (with a bunch of 'ArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayArray' and when you click on them sometimes the pages appear glitched out with blank fields.
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Update: Sorry for the delay, I've had a look into this and I've added a hotfix to v1.0.8 PL4 that should hopefully resolve this. Could you try again and let me know if this works for you? :)
Hello Praetorian,

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Sorry I have been MIA, I've been in and out of town and was not able to get to this until now. I downloaded the new PL4 and it doesn't look like it has taken the changes. The WHOSE ONLINE pages still show broken URL's like:

Unknown Location

Unknown Location

Unknown Location

I noticed all the arrays again and I know that was a problem before in a different post. The whose online is located here: EQ-Raiders Community
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I'm unable to replicate this issue @ your site:


This is with me accessing the exact same pages shown in your quotes.

Multiple guests are also browsing the reviews without this issue being shown:

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Yes Fillip H.,

See all the "unknown locations" there in your image? Those are people looking at the reviews mod. It's not displaying the Location name or a direct link like the other pages do. For example the VBtube mod doesn't show Unknown Location. That link in your image that shows c=29 should be the category Vault of the Fallen not unknown location. The same for the URL strings that just show the direct url instead of the text of the destination being read.

The "Viewing Thread" is something completely different and not related to the reviews mod.
This is what I was referring to and how I thought for it to look.


Not Broken Display:

See how it would not be a broken link and unknown location?
I see, that's very different from the issue in the OP, at the moment full WOL support is not included in the mod as far as I can tell.
I see, that's very different from the issue in the OP, at the moment full WOL support is not included in the mod as far as I can tell.

Yeah initally, but the third reply I made in the thread mentions the broken Location Link for the MOD in WOL which was noticed after I upgraded to the PRO version. :)

So if it's not supported, then fair enough, I will see about working around it. Maybe using the 'Replace' Feature to just skip it entirely. I know deep down I am thinking to myself, "how many people are honestly truely going to use the WOL pages", but its something I know is there. hehe
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I'll keep this ticket open and see how tricky it would be to add this support at some point this week :)
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