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As I can see, probably only admins, or superadmins can control who can become threadmin. I think that it would be good if I can give that right also to moderators, or supermoderators.

It could be solved in usergroup manager, if there's is a set of permissions similar those for userthreads, where usergroups have certain rights.

Here it would be permission to give threadmins right to certain users. Then I could give right to make threadmins to supermods, or even to mods, or maybe even to some other trusted usergroup. In that case, this usergroup would have access to front end.

At the moment, I think that this is all I observed. If I found other things, I'll notice you.

Really great mod, with excellent capabilities. Thank you very much for it.
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You know, this mod could actually change how things are moderated very much. Excellent mod, I really like direction where you're taking it.
Have the features that have been added in version 2.0.6 met what you need for this feature request? :)
Yes, this is a good way to control it.

Now, there's only question which settings could be granted to threadmins. It could be great if moderators could give only settings they themselves could use (for example, moderators can't physically remove posts, so users that become threadmins by them shouldn't be able to).

Or maybe that we as admins could decide in one place what options could be given to threadmins, so we could disable something like removing posts physically?
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