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New member
Hello i have a nice Suggestion thats would make this mod even better, I been looking for a downloads for vbulletin that allows you to add external links to it and that has the option for members to have points to be able to download. I know lots of forum owners that would love this feature like my self, i have custom art,music files,and custom homebrew games that i would love to add to download and share them with members and have them pay with points to be able to download and or view the link/s.

So please read this and have it as a consideration for the next update, No one has this feature available at the moments.
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We'll look into adding a points system or integrating with vbcredits or both on the next version.
Thank you i hope you add this to this wonderful mod, is there a time frame for your next update? not trying to be pushy but would like to know thanks again.
Unfortunately, we don't talk about releases until a couple weeks before they are done.
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