
Hi to all DBtech staff, specially David and Cosmic

I was looking around the internet for a few months now and realized that there is NO DownloadCMS out there, if there are any, they are usually custom build and are very ugly.

Now I was thinking if you could Develope vBdownloads a bit further, and turn it into a full scale CMS.

You may say "Are you nuts, that needs alot of stuff, such as UserDB and User related issues, and if they ask that they will also want a front page cms, this is just crazy! no can do" but then I come and tell you thats where you come and charge 250$ instead of 25 for a 3 month subscription. More money, more Profit.

Besides you no longer have to adapt to something like vbulletin, this is your product, your code, you do what ever you want to with it. No longer complains of "this is not compatible", or that "my theme is hiding the fonts". and crap like that.

so let me make this all short, what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of this suggestion if at all happens:


  1. DBtech will no longer be "Just an Addon maker" it will be full-fledged Software Maker.
  2. Complete control over Program, no longer bound by another companies whims for update, you will upgrade when you feel like it.
  3. Merge other works into it, such as vBnotification ? VbMail ? turn it into a full fledge Program.


  1. Its not as easy as it sounds, too many things are to be considered, a workable CMS, a userDB, and alot of coffee.

I know this is going to take a long time, I may be a horrible technical guy, but my real Job is IT Project Management, practically I live on these projects, and I know how much planning, how much money, how many resources is needed for such a full scale project, but I also know in this age, you never have to really start from zero, you can use use a customized highslide concept for image uploading, a WordPress Concept for partial blogging (if needed) and so on and so forth, most of it can be re engineered. you just need someone smart enough to connect the threads.

anyway, just a suggestion, I really want this company to evolve, and let others have themselves compatible with you, rather than you with them.

Wish you all the best.
A move into platform-independent software is in our future, it'll be the direction we take DBTech after we look at moving into the XF market.

A CMS is on our long term plans as well, but it wouldn't be part of vBDownloads etc, it would be a completely separate piece of software. The last time i looked at it to make an estimate it was working out at about 4-6months work for a full time coder and that's flat out not time we have at the moment. unfortunately.

