Legacy vbclassifieds

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I need to handle all payments for items sold with classifieds.

I use phpprobid currently but need a more integrated approach so i am trying to replace that with your classifieds system. However, i currently control all stocks, the stock ( small items ) is sent to me by the sellers and once i receive the stock i confirm receipt of it and they can then list these items. But all payments need to come to me, so in essence i need to be the only seller but have the owners of the stock be able to create the listing.

Is it possible to add the possible functionality:

Stock Control. so when a seller sends in stock he logshis items via his CP and its listed as [STOCK SENT] with an item amount field and when i receive it i can change that status to [RECEIVED] with a field to add the stock count. Then when each item sells it updates this field which is viewable globally. ie so seller can manage his stocks and see when he needs send more. So its debucted each time an item sells.? with multiple lines for multiple stock types.


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Thanks Pistils.

It's an interesting use of Classifieds. We're introducing a 'Shop' system with Version 2, which is under development at the moment. In theory something like what you suggest is possible. The plan is to allow user's to be added as 'Staff' who can create and manage listings.

We're still working on the final elements of this, so it might be possible to arrange some sort of permissions system to allow for much of what you want, though whether we can enable a system that would allow the stock sent/received idea, I'm not sure.

I'll need to take a look to be sure. I'm currently revamping the way we handle payment processors in Classifieds, which has taken up a lot of my development time, and until that stage is completed, I won't be able to give this concept a good evaluation or a time frame for completion.

Are there any other details that might prove useful in developing this idea of yours?
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