Pending Single Alert For Bulk Orders


May we suggest as well to only send a single alert for bulk purchases and gifts of a single item. Currently we're receiving X amounts of alerts for X amounts of purchases or gifts. Buying 50pcs of a gift item means 50 alerts sent to the buyer and another 50 alerts to the receiver.

So from this... {User} gifted {Prefix}{Item Name} to you.
To this... {User} gifted {Quantity} {Prefix}{Item Name} to you.

On buyer's end, would it be better to simply receive a single alert for total amount spent per checkout? Instead of multiple alerts, one for each quantity, which is really overwhelming for bulk purchases.

So from this... You spent {Amount} on a purchase in DragonByte Shop.
To this... You spent {Total Amount} on purchase(s) in DragonByte Shop.

And since we're implementing bulk sellback, same could be applied to its alerts as well.

You gained {Total Amount} from selling back item(s) in DragonByte Shop.

I could only speak for purchases, sellback and gifts, not sure if this could be done with other features as well like lottery tickets, trades. etc since we dont use them at the moment.
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