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Are you a resident of Italy? If so, you need to be VAT registered as a business & obtain a valid VAT number in order to avoid being charged VAT.
Yes i am resident of Italy?Only i get VAT issue here with very big high amount,why here VAT is high amount?my other payment result.
Sub Total:
$62.99 USD
5.50% Payment Gateway Fees:
$3.46 USD
$0.00 USD
$66.45 USD
You should be charged 20% VAT on ALL purchases. We ask PayPal to automatically charge VAT to people who are eligible for it. We are required to do this by law. We charge the rate the law tells us to, we have no control over that.
Italy is a member of the European Union, and we are legally required to charge a 20% VAT on our products as that is the amount we are required to pay our own government for sales made to other European Union countries.

Possible reasons why you are not charged VAT (or charged a lower amount) by other businesses could be the following:
  • They are not located in the European Union (no VAT charged)
  • They do not transact the minimum amount required to register for VAT (no VAT charged)
  • They are incorporated in another European Union country (that country's VAT rate charged, which may be less than 20%)

If you become a VAT-registered business in Italy, you are entitled to not be charged VAT on future purchases, and reclaim any VAT charged up to 30 days prior to notifying us you have become a VAT-registered business.

That being said, you may be able to reclaim VAT charged for purchases earlier than that via your local tax office. This varies on a country-by-country basis, and we are not familiar with the local tax law in Italy.

If you choose to register for VAT in Italy, once you have received your VAT number you simply go to your Transactions list, attempt to download an invoice and fill out your business details on that page. Once we validate your VAT number, we will not charge you VAT on any future purchases.
This really excellent work, coupon expired July 5th But banner are show still working,OK my bad i wait for next coupon code.
It does state on the banner when it expires, and I do believe the banner should be removed as well.
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