Things you shouldn't do at a circus.

What are things you should never do at a circus?

Rape a clown. Although technically it would be f-ing funny.

(disclaimer - this was a joke about clowns being funny and thus having sex with them would be literally "f-ing funny". Unless you find clowns creepy, in which case doing this would be "f-ing creepy". Kinda like this whole post now that I've re-read it.)
You should not laugh at the clowns. Why? Because they are not funny, they are evil. Anything that has to paint a smile on it's face, is just trying to hide the true evil inside. All laughing does, is encourage them and cause more clowns to be spawned from the darkest depths of whatever Hell they originate from.

If you laugh at a clown, YOU are a part of the problem.
