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The sitemap generation did work automatically this morning. I could see the XML files in the correct directory.

I wanted to manually get it to build the sitemap. So in DBSEOCP ? Sitemap Settings I clicked on Build Sitemap. Mainly to see how long it took. In the VBSEO sitemap generation I know it was around 26 seconds to do all sitemaps.
Anyway, it generated about 4 sitemaps, and just sites there saying... Processing.......
Although there is nothing running as looking at the processor activity its dormant.
So I clicked on Build Sitemap again, look at the processor activity, its 100%, and its what to be expected. After 60 seconds it says its time out.

I've deleted the sitemap files in the store_sitemap directory. the directory is chmod 777 (the auto creation worked fine this morning)

So I go in to scheduled tasks and manually kick of the scheduled task. I get this message...
The sitemap is currently being generated in the admin control panel. The scheduled task will not run while the sitemap is being built in the control panel.

So I restart the httpd process, clear DBSEO cache, VBOptimise Cache and Maintenance/Clear system cache. But it still does the same. Cant think of anything else to try at the moment.
What makes the schedules task think its still running?

Have you turned off the vBulletin sitemap generator in the XML Sitemap settings?

You can run this query to purge all sitemap sessions:
DELETE FROM adminutil WHERE title LIKE 'sitemap%'
(Remember to add your table prefix if you use one)
Brilliant, popped into the phpMyAdmin, saw there was that entry in the 'adminutil' removed it, and then restarted the Build Sitemap.

Although looking at the directory, 6 sitemap files have been generated, and its sitting on Processing... .. not alot of processor activity. :(
I've stopped the tasks again. Then ran it from the scheduled task. Its using little processor activity, but it is generating the files, on the 3rd one now.

Il'l leave it, and see what happens. Its still odd why it hangs when manually clicking on create sitemap.
You might want to try to lower the amount of entries per page if you're having troubles with manual sitemap generation.
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