Legacy Set Default Usergroup

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This came up once before in a previous suggestion thread (during beta I think), and because of that discussion I discovered the promotion options within vBulletin. I now know how to promote people from a Newbie usergroup to the regular Registered Users usergroup. However, I'm hesitant to mess with my Registered Users usergroup by renaming it Newbie and promoting everyone to a new group. Would it be possible to add in a feature to set the default usergroup on registration to something else? That way I only have to put new members from that point on into the Newbie group, and they can be promoted from there when they have enough posts or registration time. I've seen it done in the Spam-o-matic mod, and on something else on vb.org, but they seemed buggy and I'd rather have something that works directly within this modification.

Thank you!
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This feature has been thoroughly expanded with v2 Pro. You may define the usergroup for newly registered users to be promoted to across multiple instances.
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