

New member
As you probably know by now im a complete paintball addict and i was just curious as to know if any of you play paintball or if youve ever wanted to go paintballing before ^^

(if you play hard and are in a team or whatever gimme ashout and we can talk guns and teams ^^ ):cool:
Just went yesterday. Totally covered in bruises. Got shot in the neck from about 3 feet away >.<
I used to be a ref at a paintball place. Was good fun, but would come home in bruises every weekend from all the cross fire ^^

I only did it for about a year and did it so I could play cheaply at that time, but I never went competitive in the sport. Great fun tho.
I've been paintballing a few times, if i remember rightly i've only ever been shot 2 times in about 25 matches. and one of those times was a 1v1 with one of the refs/marshals. the only lame thing about paintballing is the fact its pretty expensive if you want to take it up as a hobby. my friend has his own gun and mask and although its only two things has cost him about £700.

on the plus side its hella fun and is great if you go with your friends.