Legacy Pagination Stops at 3 Pages

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I recently added some categories only to find that the pagination links seem to stop at three pages even though there should be six. If I click the category tab itself it works via ajax, or however it's done, but I can't navigate past 3 with the pagination links at the bottom. I looked at the page source and it looks as though the code isn't being generated. If I have to I'll find a way to hack in my own custom pagination links but I'd appreciate any ideas on how to resolve this.


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Some more information:

Of the 3 pages shown, only the first category (Patches) shows all items. The second category only shows a handful of items and the other categories and items don't show at all.

Patches - 47 of 47 shown
Magnets - last 6 of 56 shown
Helmets, Actions, Points - each has only 1 item, not shown

Another Update:
I replaced $counter['total'] under $pagenav in actions/shop.php to the actual count (106) and the proper number of pages showed. It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with the pagination itself but rather the count.
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I don't believe this is a bug. In the latest vB version, the pagination is only relevant for the current category, so if you change category tab then unexpected behaviour may occur.
Thanks for clarifying that. Is there any way to fix their mess? For now I've disabled the default page navigation links and am just relying on the tabs with a scroll to top button.
No, there is no way to change the way the navigation system works in that version without significant code changes.
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