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Are there any plans on adding organization to the categories in the admin cp so it is easier to keep track of them and also the ability to set their display order? I just imported from downloads II and we have 129 categories and all I can say is it is a mess and hard to keep track of. Also there is no way to set their display order unless I am missing something.
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Any word on this? Without organized display of the categories and sub categories this is pretty much useless to me. I will continue using dII.
That would be great David. I would like to use your product but without these two features it makes it almost impossible to keep track of anything. Especially for the members when they go to upload a manual and go to choose a category and you can't tell which one belongs where.

An example is we have our by make manuals and then we have sub categories under each make that are identical. An example of what we would need would be:
-- engine
-- drivetrain
-- engine
-- drivetrain

Also the ability to set them alphabetically or manually set the display order is needed also. Thank you for the response.
Another thing I noticed today when doing some testing is the if you upload images and if the file extension is capitalized it doesn't resize the image and it takes up the whole page almost like it is the background. As long as it is a lower case extension it is fine. I tested this with .jpg and .JPG
Another thing I noticed today when doing some testing is the if you upload images and if the file extension is capitalized it doesn't resize the image and it takes up the whole page almost like it is the background. As long as it is a lower case extension it is fine. I tested this with .jpg and .JPG
Thanks for reporting :) I'll get that fixed.
The bug in this thread has since been fixed. I have also updated the status of this thread to Accepted which means that it will be in the next version :)
The bug in this thread has since been fixed. I have also updated the status of this thread to Accepted which means that it will be in the next version :)

Thanks for the update. Now I just gotta poke and prod to get a Xenforo release :D
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