Question Notifications won't clear - how does the clearing work?

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Loony BoB

For some reason the notifications won't clear on our forums. We have a number of plugins that we have had installed in the past & present that could have affected this and I'm trying to figure out which it is. Could you let me know how the notifications are supposed to clear so I can get my techs to look into a way to stop them from being affected by these other plugins (assuming that's what's happening).
When you visit your own member profile using the "tab=vbactivity" argument.

F.ex. member.php?u=1&tab=vbactivity. Here @ DBTech my URL would be /members/1-Fillip H./?tab=vbactivity :)
Is there something on that page - in the code perhaps - that should clear it? We're trying to establish what is missing because at the moment they just aren't clearing. I'm wondering if another plugin is interfering, and if so, what we should be looking for to correct it.
In /dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_profileblock.php approx. line 120:
(where $feature is either 'achievement' or 'medal').
It works fine for me as a guest.

I actually think I remember a plugin that interfered with this, something like allowing members to choose their own default profile tab, or something.
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