Logo I made


My abilities in Photoshop are no where near where they used to be, but I still play around from time to time. I just whipped this up in a few minutes. It's a logo for this site....let me know what you think.

Edit: This is on a transparent background so it will be hard to see it all especially the text unless you put in place....

Edit 2: Just made what I feel a better logo....the new one doesn't have the vB logo in it, but I think everyone knows that this site makes mods for vB.


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  • dbt2-logo..png
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=) Thanks for taking the time to do these ^.^

I like the stylised/tribal look of the second design, very cool.

We do have someone designing a logo for us at present (Same guy who done the logo in my avatar) But It's always cool to see people putting their own spin on how they see the company etc.

Thanks again for taking the time to do this =D
Not a problem...was bored and decided to give it a try. Wife is at work since I am currently unemployed. I am not a coder and I don't have any funds to help out that way so.....
^.^ It's appreciated!

If any other ideas etc strike you, let us know. We've always got time to listen to the ideas & thoughts of other creative & talented people =D
Yeah, that tribal one is pretty bad ass. PM me here if you're interested in doing a custom logo for my website. I want an actual logo like you did for here, not a banner, etc. That way I can put it on print and whatnot.