Diana Notacat

Since I don't want horrible things to happen to kitties, I will help with wonderfully awesome topics.


I am a House Elf, so the only things I do ALL DAY are chores, cooking, and running my websites.

Cooking is a good hobby, cause I get to eat it. >:D Tonight we're having gyros. Homemade from scratch? Hells yes.

Roleplaying online though... that is my CRACK. I like to play pretend, and it's uh... less likely to scare people when I play with other roleplayers online on a forum than when I run around Wal-mart wearing a princess dress, tiara and swinging a giant hammer.

So, what are YOUR hobbies?
I like to watch Mixed Martial Arts (UFC etc) and also work out & train in martial arts. Thats my passion really.

I also really like to design games =D RPG Inferno v3.0 was my baby ^.^

beyond that i'm a bit of a movie addict, and i live reading as well.

I'm a bit strange in that i have a deep interest in theoretical, quantum and astrophysics, despite it having nothing to do with anything else in my life haha.

I also love a good debate, and i am partial to videogames. My current addiction is Vandal Hearts.
Once apon a time i used to play a fantasy battle game called warhammer, unfortunatly prices go too expensive and all my friends stop collecting so my warhammer days were over, my hobbie are quite spread into different fields, i love to play the piano, i like to watch movies and play videogames. I love playing magic the gathering and playing MMORPGs online (currently playing Flyff, practically am a god there). My other interests are music and webdesigning/graphics designing hence how i ended up here :3

Strangely enough one of my passions is watching wildlife documentaries, which is weird since i'm not a naturist in anyway i just love watching stuff like that (i'm beggining to get a big collect of david attenboroughs wildlife DVD's), and another thing i enjoy (not a hobby really) is tinkering and upgrading things, i run Wireless networks and PC fixes for my family and i enjoy setting up stuff and recomeneding computer gear.

I'm the type of person who will only get the best of the best, if i can't have it, i'll save untill i can (hence how i ended up splashing out £1500 on a sony bravia 46' super pro TV) and have recently bought my Ps3 a 500GB hard drive.