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How difficult would this be to integrate with other mods? For instance, I use vBadvanced Dynamics for my downloads section and would love for members to be able to thank each one. However, Dynamics has to be installed in a different folder beneath the forum so I don't imagine it would be easy. :)
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It requires specific coding - if you look inside /dbtech/thanks/contenttypes you'll find one subfolder for each mod type. There's also additional code appended to the files inside /dbtech/thanks/includes/sql :)
Additionally, the mod has to be created with the ability to hook into the files & templates, something not many 3rd party mods are.

The installation directory has no bearing on the ability to integrate.
Sorry, what you said is just white noise! :eek: I'm not sure it uses hooks as it's completely separate from vBulletin, almost a stand-alone mod. However, what do I know, I can barely manage HTML! lol.
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