Question Installed but problems

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Installed last night and thought it would be OK. Manually generated a sitemap and got no errors. Then when I got my first email notifications of new posts, clicking on the links took me to a "page not found". Obviously I have something wrong.

The only thing I did was append the htaccess file as stated in the readme.txt file. Also turned off friendly URLs as instructed. My forums are in a folder named "forum" and I'm sure that has something to do with it.

It was getting late last night so I disabled the product. Any help would be appreciated.

I guess I need configuration help. Installed but disabled for now. Generated a sitemap and got no errors but links from new post notifications take folks to a Page not found. Appended htaccess file as instructed in readme. Turned off friendly URLs. Did not resolve problem. Forums are are in folder /forum I'm sure that has something to do with it.
If you previously used vBSEO, please make sure vBSEO is fully disabled in the .htaccess file and from vBulletin's plugin manager.
I have completely removed VBSEO and got some help with the .htaccess file. Seems to be working now. One exception is that no Gallery URLs are mapped. Here is the email I get after running it. Gallery LITE is installed. Should it not be submitting those URLs. I have it turned on in the DBSEO admin settings. I guess one thing I don't understand is that the settings for Gallery in the DBSEO settings how either /gallery or as the pages for the gallery but they are installed in the default dbgallery folder. EDIT: I just looked and guess I understand that part of it now. They are in dbtech/gallery/images/upload/

Still don't understand why it's showing Image URLs: 0

Custom URLs: 0
Show Post URLs: 634,942
Member Profile URLs: 12,675
Show Thread URLs: 72,990
Forum Display URLs: 2,777
Poll Results URLs: 85
Blog URLs: 1
Blog Tag URLs: 1
Member Profile Album URLs: 8,241
Tag URLs: 759
CMS Content URLs: 2
CMS Section URLs: 1
[DBTech] DragonByte Gallery: Image URLs: 0
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It may be that the Gallery is not set up to allow guests to view images. If so, the images will not be indexed in the sitemap.
OK..under category management, view uaergroups, unregistered was not selected. I just changed it so will see if it works next time. Thanks much.
This does seem to have corrected the issue. When the sitemap was generated this morning, it shows 49 ULS submitted from the gallery. Less that I expected with over 8,000 pictures in it but I'm not 100% familiar with how that works. At least it did seem to work. Thank you again
If you PM me with FTP and AdminCP information, I can look into whether there's any problems with the sitemap :)
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Legacy DragonByte SEO

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