Bug Images Not Updating - After Edit

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I added a new item but forgot to add an image, I used the edit listing function and added 3 images to the buy it now advert but when I click on the listings page.

No matter how many times I edit or add images there is still nothing showing in the buy it now listings

Please see attachment

If you edit the Images from inside the view listing page, if you select the radial option box to mark the default image, does it update then?

Will dig around in the code for why it's not grabbing the data when editing a listing.
When I go into the Edit Image Order page there is a the round check boxes, but this does not say anything next to them?

I guess that would be set as default, if so then maybe a phrase is missing or something?

But once I click on the round check box, it does work :)

Anyway, I think it should automatically pick the item that is ordered from the top (1)... as it could be confusing for someone as to why the image is not showing...

Thank you very much
Anyway, I think it should automatically pick the item that is ordered from the top (1)... as it could be confusing for someone as to why the image is not showing...

Thank you very much

It should be automatically set when creating a new thread, or checked when editing one generally. At the moment it doesn't seem to be doing the latter... :)
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