
  1. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Alpha 6 Update

    Latest update is now Alpha 6... bringing a number of new features and fixes: Fixed: Username not saving correctly as a Username in some settings Change: 'Discuss this Listing' changed to 'Forum Discussion' on the View Listing page because of the addition of the Comments and Messaging tabs...
  2. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Alpha 4 Update

    Here we go with our fourth update guys! Alpha 4 completes the work on the new Exchange listing type and integrates a new messaging and commenting system. A few other minor things sorted as well. Alpha 4 isn't on our test site yet, working on Alpha 5 before I update it. :) This update...
  3. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Alpha 3 Update

    Here we go with our third update guys! Alpha 3 adds in two new listing types (Freebies and Exchange) and has also updated some of the core background structure of the database to allow for future updates in the Alpha stage. This update introduces the following: Fixed: Wanted listing type not...
  4. CharlieDelta

    Thread Creation and Posting Access in the Classifieds Alpha

    Fillip H. can you grant me access to create threads and post in the classifieds alpha forum? :) I can read everything but unable to post.
  5. Mokonzi

    General Discussion and Information

    Welcome to the Alpha testing program for DragonByte Classifieds. This thread should help us keep track of what needs testing. #Classifieds version 2 is still in development, there are many things still to include, and there will be many bugs. The idea of this Alpha stage of testing is to get...